Why are the Tri-Cities failing Palestine? "Our Muslim neighbors need us to stand with them. The Palestinian people need us to stand with them."
The devil we know "It's not happening in an elusive ‘somewhere else’. It's happening right here, in our home sweet home."
Justice, peace, love: Deadly fear “‘Stand your ground’ laws encourage the use of firearms as a first response rather than a last resort.”
Feelings are knowledge: an explanation of Audre Lorde “Spiritual knowledge doesn’t just lead to self-knowledge; it allows for empathy and compassion.”
Grandma says: Andy Griffith doesn’t live here anymore “Americans want to believe in good cops. Too bad it’s an illusion.”
Credo “We have to create a new creed together. One that doesn’t worship at the manure pile of our god of money.”
Gay students aren’t controversial “Protecting our LGBTQ+ neighbors and children is not a controversial issue. It is imperative.”
Money talks “Imagine...all decisions for the common good are made through simple democracy — one person, one vote.”
Justice, Peace, Love: "A republic, if you can keep it." “I believe in this constitutional democratic republic. I hope we keep it.”
Looking up: how COVID educated us all “The pandemic was not an easy time for me as a student and as a person.”
Exposición sobre el impacto del COVID-19 en la comunidad latina / Exposé on the social and economic impact of COVID-19 on the Latino community “The coronavirus killed many but left others more alive.”
Gentle parenting when the world is on fire: may the force be with you “I hope you know that you are seen and loved.”
Keep Safety Patrol safe "Moments after delivering their own child safely to school, parents seemed so eager to run over somebody else’s."
Redondo orgullo al folklore juvenil “Debemos empujar a las nuevas generaciones a no temer hablar nuestras madres lenguas.”
Daily Bread, liberty, and the orphans of Ukraine “Putin’s brutal campaign is inflicting trauma upon Ukraine's residents on a scale unprecedented since World War II.”
Looking up: Good at heart “So many people are self-centered and not looking out for their fellow human beings.”
Washington senators introduce bill to legalize adult psilocybin use “Psychedelics are having quite the renaissance these days!”
How testing can one year be? “I’m going to paint you a picture of helplessness in teaching right now.”
The one true philosophical problem “We are all in this together, whether we understand the reasoning or not.”