El sueño mexicano: Las aportaciones voluntarias / The Mexican dream: Voluntary contributions BILINGUAL: “You belong to the universe of those who can save.” “Estás en el universo de los que pueden ahorrar.”
National Endowment for the Arts bends the knee “The NEA announced that they will restrict their support only to artwork that abides by and complies with Trump-prescribed censorship.”
La mano que hace justicia / The hand that delivers justice BILINGUAL: “You only had to extend your hand to save them.” / “Solo tenía que haber extendido su mano para salvarlos.”
Eclosión / Emergence BILINGUAL: “Do you also feel with your stomach?” “¿Tú también sientes con el estómago?”
The existence of trans people is not a threat. “You may not like it. You may not understand. You may not care about it. But transgender people have always existed. They will always exist.”
Stewardship starts in your yard! "Even incorporating a small patch of native plants in your space can provide a wealth of benefits to you and our local community."
Conservation Districts "We love to see others who are passionate about preserving our beautiful landscape."
Love letter to black cottonwood "I remember the time you stood in Cathedral Park, effortlessly tall and dressed in green."
Disparities in the portrayals of Black and white people "Black individuals frequently face misleading portrayals in the media, with distorted reports and statements."
Golden Paladin (March 2025) "Well, it’s not like rest was a luxury much expected on the road to war — not for any of them."
How somatic breathwork transformed my grief V10i3 MAR How Somatic Breathwork Transformed My Grief0:00/389.9559181× Narrated by Charles Conover Grief has a way of seeping into every part of our lives, even when we
Best I’ve fuckin’ got at the moment "We can keep reminding them that we still exist. We still matter."
Space playsets: Their history, evolution, and future "Today, most of the major toy manufacturers are selling playsets, typically based on movies and TV series."
Peace Corps is lying to you. “It seems like what Peace Corps cares most about is protecting themselves, not protecting us.”
Elevate a la décima / Elevate to the tenth BILINGUAL: “El consuelo es importante cuando pasa un asunto que nos llega a desconcertar o que amenaza con hundirnos, pero también podría llegar a hacerse de forma irresponsable si no te gustan las matemáticas.”
Love is in the Uptown air! Two weddings on two weekends at The Emerald of Siam "Across February, love was in the air in Tri-Cities."
March 2025: Keep marching Sometimes you have to risk your own personal comfort in order to create a world in which we can all be safe.
Gallery at the Park: Paintings, photography, and woodworking from Art Works Northwest Learn more about Art Works Northwest by visiting their website at artworksnw.org.
Art and poetry February 2025 Enjoy the art and poetry featured in the February 2025 issue of Tumbleweird!