REINSERCIÓN SOCIAL / SOCIAL REINTEGRATION BILINGUAL: “¿Quién es el culpable del delito? El culpable de delito es la necesidad extrema y miseria absoluta.” / “Who is responsible for crime? The root cause is extreme need and absolute misery.”
Responding to racism It is crucial for young Black individuals to understand how to address ignorance, derogatory remarks, and uncomfortable comments...
La otra concordia / The other harmony BILINGUAL: “Paz en la tierra y prosperidad para los hombres de buena voluntad.” / “Peace on earth and goodwill to all.”
PFLAG offers community support all day January 20 "They aren't just headlines — they're existential threats to real people's lives."
Rompiendo el silencio: el estigma social que enfrentan los sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica / Breaking the silence: Social stigma faced by domestic violence survivors BILINGUAL: “I want to show that survivors are not to blame for their abuse, and that choosing safety over silence is an act of courage.” / “Quiero mostrar que los sobrevivientes no tienen la culpa de su abuso y que elegir la seguridad sobre el silencio es un acto de valentía.”
Emerald Spark Events takes over Clover Island Inn concert series “Quinn and Cullison said in an interview that their goals for the year include diversifying the audience and offering a wider array of music.”
Conexión / Connection BILINGUAL: “Regresando a la vida occidental, llena de electrodomésticos y aparatos que facilitan la comunicación, intento hacer un mapa de mis conexiones actuales.”
Killing won’t bring peace “The choice of who to support shouldn’t be about who has the greater moral or legal right to violence. The choice should be whether violence is the moral choice at all.”
“YOU’RE GOING TO BE DEPORTED!” "Living in our ‘safe state’ doesn’t mean you’re immune to fear and harassment."
Tri-Cities alt-metal band EVA releases debut album “EVA shows the best of their abilities as a band and as individuals in OPIA.”
From fear to focus: How somatic breathwork brings relief in stressful moments “Somatic breathwork offers a way to navigate stress and fear with greater resilience.”
Transpective: Affirm me harder, Daddy! “I only want to embrace our sisterhood in the fight against the systemic beliefs that exist to hold us all down.”
The houseless voice: Parks close, unhoused neighbors scatter “There are people in our community who want to help you no matter what you are dealing with.”
Game Mastering 101: The Young Alchemist The Young Alchemist is a one-page Solo RPG about a young alchemist’s quest to find ingredients in dangerous locations at the behest of an ambivalent Queen.
Columbia County Conservatives: Courting controversy “Who does Patterson believe is lost and deserving of punishment?”
Movie reviews for January: Gladiator II and Sunset Road “Krupin’s script is effervescent and fruity on the palette.”
January 2025: Something new We've got some cool things planned for 2025. And we're excited to have you along.
Anniversary exhibition: Wearable art! “50 Years of Wearable Art” is on display at the Gallery at the Park from January 2–31. Reception is Sunday, January 5, from 1–3pm.
El sueño mexicano, parte 3 / The Mexican Dream, Part 3 BILINGUAL: “Many workers place special value on lifetime access to medical services.” / “Muchos trabajadores valoran especialmente el acceso vitalicio a servicios médicos.”
La carta de Manchuria – Tercera y última parte / The Manchurian Letter – The third and final part BILINGUAL: “Emulating the end of a war where they had been on opposing sides, both combatants relented.” / “Emulando el final de la guerra en el que pertenecían a lados opuestos, ambos combatientes cedieron.”
Fin? / The End? BILINGUAL: “Empieza a preparar tu terreno: que lo revuelves y lo fertilices, de modo que cuando llegue el momento de sembrar, el suelo esté listo para dar buenos frutos.”
Navidad del presidio / Christmas in prison BILINGUAL: “There was nothing beautiful about that sad imitation of a tree.” / “Ese remedo de árbol no tenía nada de bello.”