White supremacy in the ranks “Why did it take an FBI investigation to uncover this? How many other police departments have a similar culture?”
Urban Poets Society presents: RISE “We believe that when the community is given opportunities to contribute to their environment in a creative way, they discover how valuable and indispensable their talents are to the world around them.”
Justice, peace, love: Deadly fear “‘Stand your ground’ laws encourage the use of firearms as a first response rather than a last resort.”
Sunday Drag Brunch (and manufactured controversy) “We need people in office who support Richland's vision statement: 'Richland is a progressive, safe, and family-friendly community that welcomes diversity.'”
“Proof” opens at Princess in Prosser, April 28 “PROOF explores relationships among genius, sanity, heredity, gender, academia, and family.”
Here, Bullet: Poetry & Music from the Iraq War “It is an evening of spoken word, music, and small group conversation that moves through the life experiences of a soldier in country, then of the veteran coming home, and then of love and loss.”
Gay students aren’t controversial “Protecting our LGBTQ+ neighbors and children is not a controversial issue. It is imperative.”
Halley Greg: Singer, songwriter, changemaker “The land of the tumbleweeds (and tumbleweirdos) will always be my home.”
Money talks “Imagine...all decisions for the common good are made through simple democracy — one person, one vote.”
Justice, Peace, Love: "A republic, if you can keep it." “I believe in this constitutional democratic republic. I hope we keep it.”
Mid-Columbia Mastersingers present Mozart's Requiem: Reflections on life and death "Death is the key which unlocks the door to our happiness.” —Mozart
Live music at the Emerald of Siam: an interview with Dara Quinn “If you love music, then support live music!”
Election Day is August 2nd — VOTE! "Make your voice heard. Don’t let others decide what’s best for our future."
Justice, Peace, Love: Where's the good guy with a gun? "Statistics show that it is extremely unlikely that a good guy with a gun can prevent imminent gun violence with his weapon."
An interview with CD 4 candidate Doug White As a candidate to represent Washington’s 4th Congressional District, I wanted to ask Doug White about his candidacy and why he thought we was the best person to represent
On stage in February: The Vagina Monologues “The Vagina Monologues explores the sacredness and beauty of women's bodies.”
Richland Players production begins Friday after two year pause “I hope the audience comes away with a sense of excitement and shock!”
Mid-Columbia Mastersingers present Miracle of Lights Chanukah Concert “The Mid-Columbia Mastersingers present a program celebrating the music of Chanukah”