Greenhouse gas emissions “Reducing emissions by 50% will stop the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but it won’t stop the warming.”
Let’s keep desert gardening sustainable “Are our water-hungry lawns and landscapes sustainable in the long run?”
Carbon offsets: a path to net zero emissions or just greenwashing? “Not all carbon offset technologies are equal.”
‘Walk the talk’: Reduce your own greenhouse gas emissions “Here's how to estimate your personal carbon footprint, how to reduce it, and what to do about the carbon emissions you haven’t eliminated.”
How to live plastic-free “We don’t have to wait for a ban. We can just use our common sense and change our consumption behavior voluntarily, for the health of future generations.”
What can the COVID-19 pandemic teach us about preventing climate change? “Given the global obsession with protecting ourselves and our loved ones from the pandemic, it might seem inappropriate to mention climate change at this time. But April 22 was Earth Day, so let’s talk about what the pandemic can tell us about preventing climate change.”
Another view on dam decisions: Support salmon and Native peoples As a longtime Tri-Citizen, environmental educator and climate activist, I want to point out that there are other aspects to the issue of dam breaching that are missing from local conversations.
Illuminated manuscript, depicting an excerpt from the "Laudato Si" encyclical, Pope Francis's call to environmental action By Adam Whittier
Saving Mother Earth Last week, as the snow was finally melting from my favorite running path, I noticed a single plastic shopping bag dangling from a tree limb overhanging the Columbia River. As
Working together to save the earth Our global home is threatened by human activities driving global warming, acidification of the ocean, widespread species extinction, and exhaustion of limited and irreplaceable natural resources. These disastrous impacts are