DrewBoy Creative: Artist interview with Emily Richman “Being an artist means that I've included creativity and art into my everyday life.”
DrewBoy Creative: Artist interview with Dustin M. Regul "This project is getting students to have ideas and get excited about public art."
DrewBoy Creative: Artist interview with Adrian Valencia "I like the idea of smashing ideas and feelings and high fashion together."
"I Don't Know Who Needs to Hear This..." Artist interview with Sara Quinn “This show is all about people finding the love and support they need from within.”
Calloused “I looked down at my 36-year-old hands; my fingers were caked with a reddish-brown mixture of mud and blood.”
Looking up: "Something Hopeful, Please..." a retrospective "Through the artistic exchange of ideas, we can change the world.” — Davin Diaz
Artist interview: Corey Jenkins Jr “What I hope the audience takes away is empowerment... and to feel moved.”
Gallery at the Park presents magical, imaginative exhibition from Rae Ella Long and Erin Markee “Visit the Gallery at the Park at 89 Lee Boulevard in Richland or online at galleryatthepark.org.”
Artist interview: Kori Doran “The more you’re exposed to, the more you can see the web of relationships between opposing subjects and ideas.”
On stage in February: The Vagina Monologues “The Vagina Monologues explores the sacredness and beauty of women's bodies.”
Richland Players production begins Friday after two year pause “I hope the audience comes away with a sense of excitement and shock!”
Artist interview: Brittany Archibald “I think that invisible boundary is a really interesting place to live.”
Downtown Kennewick becomes the newest Certified Creative District in Washington State “We’re not just the heart of Kennewick, we are also the creative soul of Kennewick.”