Let’s Get Physical (Media): A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) — available at Mid-Columbia Libraries “When words alone fail to bring about change, the dispossessed sometimes resort to action.”
El Tótem/The Totem (Bilingüe/Bilingual) Parte 1 de una serie de tres alegorías urbanas. / Part 1 of a series of three urban allegories.
Carbon dividends “Carbon dividends are key to achieving and maintaining political support for a price on carbon.”
Love note to a book: A Year in Provence "You introduced me to so many people who I now call my friends."
How to reset your hormones for improved health "Balancing hormones improves energy, metabolism, and overall health."
Tarot Time: Sprouts, future payoffs, anxieties “This month, I focused on what fears we need to face most.”
Justice, Peace, Love: "A republic, if you can keep it." “I believe in this constitutional democratic republic. I hope we keep it.”
Knick-Knack Paddywhack, give a dog a home! If you are interested in becoming a foster or adopting either of these lovely dogs, please visit mikeyschance.com.
Art and poetry from October 2022 Peruse this collection of art and poetry from our October 2022 issue!
Let’s Get Physical (Media): Rope (1948) "In the words of the director himself, 'Drama is life with the dull bits cut out.'"
Game review: Turncoats “I’m just going to start with the conclusion first: Turncoats is a masterful game.”
We Had Our Reasons / Teníamos Nuestras Razones “Our stories are valuable, our work is valuable, and we are valuable.”
The NO DRAMA guide to voting "We need good policies to conquer the development challenges that are ahead of us."
Congress passes the IRA: a huge victory for climate change “The Inflation Reduction Act doesn’t sound like the most important climate legislation that Congress has ever passed, but it is.”
Looking up: how COVID educated us all “The pandemic was not an easy time for me as a student and as a person.”
Autumn anxiety "Autumn is bookended by the carefree warmth of summer and the looming stress of the holiday season."
The Book Report: Mid-Columbia Reads literary festival Bestselling novelist Silvia Moreno-Garcia will present at Mid-Columbia Reads literary festival.
Tarot time: Decisions, adaptations, investments "This month's reading has an emphasis on decisions, adapting, and the results of past work that has been invested."