From the stage to the screen: Being Black in entertainment "I interviewed three powerhouse entertainers, and here is what they had to say about the nuances of Blackness and the entertainment industry."
Movie reviews for February "The brilliance of this film — and it is brilliant — is that, fundamentally, it isn't a monster movie."
Black historical figures The black activists and creators have opened so many doors, and invented a plethora of things that we still use till this day, and they deserve to be talked about every day!
How to become certified with The Office of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises BILINGUAL. “Certification, whether at the federal or state level, is a gateway to greater opportunities for companies striving to make their mark.”
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room… "Reveal the Elephant isn't just a game; it's a call to action."
February 2024: SWANG ON, SWANG ON Download the latest issue. About the cover: UNTITLED 01 | 01.18.24 JOEL NUNN-SPARKS MIXED MEDIA ON PLYWOOD (24” ✕ 36”) Read more about Joel's cover art on Patreon:
Gallery at the Park presents an incredible new 2D and 3D exhibition "The reception for Hannum, Johnson, and Newcomb is Sunday, February 4, from 1–3 pm."
Art & Poetry from January 2024 Enjoy the art and poetry featured in the January 2024 issue of Tumbleweird!
A story from trafficking survivors “There are an estimated twenty-five million people globally trapped in labor trafficking.”
Sagebrush: the symbol of resilience “The iconic sagebrush is facing a silent threat: the expanding footprint of humans, deciding to use land for economic benefit.”
The civilizing impulse “This is a time of peril. It requires that we embrace empathy and compassion, and recognize these qualities as true strength.”
60s Sleaze "The ‘sleaze’ paperback of the 1960s transitioned from the Victorian attitude of obscenity to more of a contemporary attitude regarding topics such as sex and violence."
Restoring justice "Why not simply distribute an equal share of global revenue from carbon taxes to individuals in all countries?"
The Queer Corner Jan 2023 “Through sharing your voice, you will ensure that you are heard, and you will attract others who share your view. You will empower others to ensure that their voices are heard.”
At what cost? “Ah, but there is a choice in how to respond. There is always a choice when it comes to violence.”
Golden Paladin Land of Chaos-January 2024 “It was the hectic but organized chaos of people who had put their all into being as prepared as one could ever be for war.”
Black community/Black culture “Black cookouts celebrate food, drinks, games, dances, and music that's completely Blackity Black.”
Better living through RPGs and cognitive flexibility “Over the last 15 years or so, several papers have been written regarding the efficacy of RPGs as a therapeutic tool…”
Book review: Witness to Addiction “Dr. Gerber’s witness to the addiction of her son is a compelling argument on how to fight America's opioid epidemic.”
Lifes Crazy “The air was drafty on November 25, 2023 at Ray’s Golden Lion. The staff rushed around eagerly preparing for the night.”
Supporting Walla Walla nonprofits “During this winter season, many nonprofits are asking for support financially. Many of these organizations can use physical support, too, at events or during everyday activities.”