The search for freedom "Our freedom is determined by our economics, rather than the other way around, and for that, we are diminished."
The one true philosophical problem “We are all in this together, whether we understand the reasoning or not.”
Contesting Power “Your need for comfort and power does not outweigh society’s overall need for health and well-being.”
Ideology as story part 2: Ego and faith “We all create stories to protect ourselves." —Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves
Ideology as Story part 1 “Ideology and belief, no matter how ardently held, are reducible to simple stories.”
Fascism in America and how to fight it “We can meme and retweet until the end of time what is blatantly obvious, but without the ability to continue sustained activism for prolonged change, and putting those in power to enact that change, it will all be for naught.”