Big-ass city with just a handful of creative spaces “Until we realize how atrocious it is to have a town devoid of cultural institutions in every city center, we will never be great. Not even close.”
Rompiendo el silencio: el estigma social que enfrentan los sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica / Breaking the silence: Social stigma faced by domestic violence survivors BILINGUAL: “I want to show that survivors are not to blame for their abuse, and that choosing safety over silence is an act of courage.” / “Quiero mostrar que los sobrevivientes no tienen la culpa de su abuso y que elegir la seguridad sobre el silencio es un acto de valentía.”
Transpective: Affirm me harder, Daddy! “I only want to embrace our sisterhood in the fight against the systemic beliefs that exist to hold us all down.”
El panóptico penitenciario / The penitentiary panopticon BILINGUAL: “The truly latent corruption is hidden behind the silence of these walls.” / “Las corruptelas verdaderamente latentes son aquellas que existen allí ocultas detrás del silencio de esos muros.”
Pugno Subornare (the suborning fist) BILINGUAL: "In the Latin American social atmosphere, it is very common to assimilate acts of corruption."
Tejido de Voces / Voices Woven BILINGUAL: "In this series, topics of social injustice and negligence by companies like Zirkle Fruit and government agencies such as Labor and Industries are addressed."
Justice, Peace, Love: Anti-trans bullying is deadly "Young people will say `My government hates me,’ ‘My school hates me,’ `They don’t want me to exist.'"
Justice, Peace, Love: Execution is not justice "If the law were merely to ensure equal punishment for a crime, it would be an eye for an eye, leading to a society in which everyone is blind."
The civilizing impulse “This is a time of peril. It requires that we embrace empathy and compassion, and recognize these qualities as true strength.”
Supporting Walla Walla nonprofits “During this winter season, many nonprofits are asking for support financially. Many of these organizations can use physical support, too, at events or during everyday activities.”
To be a Black student in a white school “Being Black at a predominantly white school causes us to feel intellectually and physically vulgarized in a variety of ways.”
Killers of the Flower Moon ”In order to confront our racist past, we must learn from the people we have wronged.”
The Flop and the Giant Killer “A small and timely act of conviction off the field left Milton’s biggest footprint on sports history.”
Art herstory "...socially constructed gender roles have created a mountain of barriers which make it nearly impossible for women to be heard over the thundering voices of the wealthy, powerful, predominantly white, male base that rules the art world."
Justice, peace, love: Deadly fear “‘Stand your ground’ laws encourage the use of firearms as a first response rather than a last resort.”
Grandma says: Andy Griffith doesn’t live here anymore “Americans want to believe in good cops. Too bad it’s an illusion.”
Mental health in the Black community: The struggle is real “The health of the Black community is greatly influenced by poverty, violence, mass incarceration, racial discrimination...”
Climate solutions are available “The capacity of these solutions is sufficient to reduce net emissions to zero.”
Redondo orgullo al folklore juvenil “Debemos empujar a las nuevas generaciones a no temer hablar nuestras madres lenguas.”