Action plans for BSUs in Washington State “Here are examples of some of the assemblies, programming, and workshops that I think would really ramp up the efficacy of BSUs in Washington.”
Desafíos que enfrentan los estudiantes inmigrantes para adaptarse al sistema educativo de Washington / Challenges faced by immigrant students in adapting to Washington’s educational system BILINGUAL: "Despite these challenges, many immigrant students in Washington have overcome obstacles and achieved remarkable success." / "A pesar de estos desafíos, muchos estudiantes inmigrantes en Washington han superado obstáculos y han logrado un éxito notable."
Storytime Bookshop is a wonderful place for kids to read and play “Every kid gets a free book the first time they come in.”
Responding to racism It is crucial for young Black individuals to understand how to address ignorance, derogatory remarks, and uncomfortable comments...
“YOU’RE GOING TO BE DEPORTED!” "Living in our ‘safe state’ doesn’t mean you’re immune to fear and harassment."
Pasco, no dejes a tus estudiantes atrás. / Pasco, don't leave your students behind. BILINGUAL: “The real gap is not just in the levels of child development, but in the lack of vision and commitment from those who run this system.” / “El verdadero problema no está solo en los niveles de desarrollo infantil, sino en la falta de visión y compromiso de quienes dirigen este sistema.”
Pioneros en educación política y conciencia ciudadana / Pioneers in political education and civic awareness BILINGUAL: “La justicia y la dignidad no son solo para aquellos que pueden pagarla.” / “Justice and dignity are not just for those who can afford them.”
Se forma el Círculo de Justicia de Mujeres para construir puentes de comunicación con el distrito escolar de Wahluke / Women’s Justice Circle forms to build bridges with the Wahluke School District BILINGUAL: "One of the primary goals of the Women’s Justice Circle is to establish an open and ongoing dialogue with the school district."
La Junta Escolar de Sunnyside está actualizando sus elecciones / Sunnyside School Board is updating their elections BILINGUAL: "The Sunnyside School District has agreed to change its electoral process to a district-based one..."
Transpective: Let trans kids play sports Let kids play! Let them learn. Let them be kids without scrutinizing their physicality.
Racial cruelty in Walla Walla School District "There must be a removal of any racist content within school curriculums and an end to derogatory name calling."
Storytelling: a parent's essential life skill “'Storytelling brings to the listeners heightened awareness,' they say, 'a sense of wonder, of mystery, of reverence for life.'”
Local parents unite to create the Mid-Columbia Children’s Museum “By supporting the establishment of Mid-Columbia Children’s Museum, you're not just investing in a building; you're investing in the future of our children and the prosperity of our community.”
Children's Developmental Center: Board Members “The Children’s Developmental Center is thriving in the way that it serves children and families in the Benton-Franklin community.”
The devil we know "It's not happening in an elusive ‘somewhere else’. It's happening right here, in our home sweet home."
Looking up: how COVID educated us all “The pandemic was not an easy time for me as a student and as a person.”
Keep Safety Patrol safe "Moments after delivering their own child safely to school, parents seemed so eager to run over somebody else’s."
Taking stock and moving forward in education "My biggest concern remains: the students that we cannot help."
Richland School Board debacle explained “This isn’t a mask issue; It’s an ethics issue — it’s the lack of good governance.”
Communities in Schools receives a game-changing investment "Our hope is that students are supported, not just by their family, but also by their schools, and by the communities in which they live."
How testing can one year be? “I’m going to paint you a picture of helplessness in teaching right now.”
There’s no substitute for a good substitute "We need more subs, but finding, hiring, and keeping good subs is hard."