The Children’s Developmental Center is a nonprofit organization located in Richland, Washington. We assist infants from birth to three years old throughout our service area in Benton and Franklin counties. Our work is supported by businesses, foundations, local service clubs, and individuals like you.
We employ highly skilled, professional staff including educators; occupational, speech, and physical therapists; family resource coordinators; and behavioral therapists to guide, educate, coach, and support children and families to help them reach their full potential.
The Children’s Developmental Center is thriving in the way that it serves children and families in the Benton-Franklin community. We pride ourselves on the quality of early intervention that is delivered to children and families because we serve them with our hearts, we see children’s strengths first, and we are life-long learners committed to self-growth in our area of expertise.
More than 96% of services are provided in natural learning environments which could be the child’s home, daycare, a park, the library, etc. Providing services in the natural environment allows service providers the opportunity to use toys and materials already on hand and gives parents and siblings the opportunity to participate in learning.
The Children’s Developmental Center is always looking for volunteers, individual donors, and business sponsors. Scan the QR code to learn more about what we do! We all know someone with special needs. So, let’s collectively continue to prepare infants and toddlers with special needs… for life.