Historia y futuro del voto Latino en la costa oeste / History and future of the Latino vote on the west coast BILINGUAL: “Voting is not enough; we must understand the causes we support.”
Entropía. / Entropy. BILINGUAL: "I prepare for a new shake up, knowing that if it has medium reach, I will enjoy it and take it as a game."
¡Elecciones y lecciones! / Elections and lessons! BILINGUAL: "In this story, the people are the great protagonists..."
Carta al fuego. / Letter of fire. BILINGUAL: "I still remember my eyes crying from fear mixed with courage."
Rincón melómano / Music lover's corner: Música Ranchera BILINGUAL: "Ranchera music is undoubtedly one of the brightest standards that represents Mexican culture internationally."
Luchadores exóticos / ‘Exótico’ wrestlers BILINGUAL: "Within this realm, LGBTQ+ wrestlers have stood out for their courage and their fight for acceptance in a historically conservative environment."
¿Cómo saber si vas a donde se supone que deberías de ir? / How do you know if you’re going where you’re supposed to go? BILINGUAL: "For the past three years, I noticed I was scattered."
La importancia de la Ley HB 1889 / The importance of HB 1889 BILINGUAL: "From the perspective of an immigrant, House Bill 1889 (HB 1889) represents much more than mere legislation..."
En la ‘lucha’ libre / In the ‘lucha’ libre BILINGUAL: "It was decided that I would open the tournament representing Mexico in the purest style of lucha libre."
Prevención de sobredosis de opioides en adolescentes / Prevention of opioid overdoses in adolescents BILINGUAL: "The growing issue of opioid overdoses among adolescents is a serious concern that has led the Yakima Health District (YHD) to launch a comprehensive multimedia campaign."
Entendiendo la certificación PWSBE / Understanding PWSBE Certification BILINGUAL: "Initiatives like the Public Works Small Business Enterprise (PWSBE) certification aim to level the playing field..."