From South Africa to Palestine, apartheid will fall "Apartheid creates the conditions for resistance because no group of people would submit to permanently being denied basic human dignity."
Justice, Peace, Love: Anti-trans bullying is deadly "Young people will say `My government hates me,’ ‘My school hates me,’ `They don’t want me to exist.'"
Sustainability: What you can do "Our economic system fails to account for the increasing replacement cost of materials... and does not reward durability or repairability of products."
Why are the Tri-Cities failing Palestine? "Our Muslim neighbors need us to stand with them. The Palestinian people need us to stand with them."
Our way… / Nuestro camino... BILINGUAL. “Thanks to all those who receive us warmly, as if they had known us for years.”
Sentir de un líder social en la distancia (Bilingual) BILINGUAL. “What causes a social leader to so often put service to the community above their own life or personal wellbeing?”
A story from trafficking survivors “There are an estimated twenty-five million people globally trapped in labor trafficking.”
How climate policies work together Let’s see how climate policies work together to limit global warming.
Visibility. Accessibility. “I've been involved in the art scene for over 25 years now, and in all that time, I've only seen one disabled artist.”
The New Climate War "Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, and denial of the human role in climate change isn’t the only way that effective action on climate change is opposed."
The Flop and the Giant Killer “A small and timely act of conviction off the field left Milton’s biggest footprint on sports history.”
Kids These Days "PFLAG Benton Franklin has created a place for our youth to find connection and belonging. But they can't be the only ones. These things are vital for the overall health of our community, because these kids are the future."
“Our armies are rising!” — A brief history of Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson "...You’re going to have to fight for it. And you’re going to have to fight until you win."
Where there is trans existence, there will be trans resistance “This is not some far-off problem we have the privilege to ignore.”
Justice, peace, love: Deadly fear “‘Stand your ground’ laws encourage the use of firearms as a first response rather than a last resort.”
Sunday Drag Brunch (and manufactured controversy) “We need people in office who support Richland's vision statement: 'Richland is a progressive, safe, and family-friendly community that welcomes diversity.'”
Grandma says: Andy Griffith doesn’t live here anymore “Americans want to believe in good cops. Too bad it’s an illusion.”
Juneteenth Jubilee in Walla Walla “We want to invite our Walla Walla community members to this year's Juneteenth celebration!”
Gay students aren’t controversial “Protecting our LGBTQ+ neighbors and children is not a controversial issue. It is imperative.”
What you can do about climate change “Which of these actions are you already doing — or which do you resolve to do?”
Climate solutions are available “The capacity of these solutions is sufficient to reduce net emissions to zero.”