Justice, Peace, Love: Decentering myself "When I center myself, I limit my ability to see the world from someone else’s point of view."
Killing won’t bring peace “The choice of who to support shouldn’t be about who has the greater moral or legal right to violence. The choice should be whether violence is the moral choice at all.”
Democracy requires participation "If our votes didn’t matter, candidates and political action committees wouldn’t be spending billions of dollars trying to influence us."
Justice, Peace, Love - Response to violence "The response from news pundits and social media to the July 13th assassination attempt on Donald Trump was as predictable as it was reactionary and uninformed."
Broadway star Santino Fontana benefit concert for Academy of Children’s Theatre "Giving back to his hometown children’s theatre, Santino will present a special one-night-only benefit..."
Justice, Peace, Love: The people need access to a free press "A few weeks ago, there was a controversial local hot-button issue posted in a social media group with a link to a news article."
General Mojo’s returns to Tri Town Get Down; an interview with Dune Butler "I couldn’t wait to talk to Dune more about his band and his next visit to the Tri-Cities."
Justice, Peace, Love: Anti-trans bullying is deadly "Young people will say `My government hates me,’ ‘My school hates me,’ `They don’t want me to exist.'"
Justice, Peace, Love: Execution is not justice "If the law were merely to ensure equal punishment for a crime, it would be an eye for an eye, leading to a society in which everyone is blind."
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a radical "The more I read, the more I realize that Dr. King understood the evils of the world and what needed to be done to overcome them."
At what cost? “Ah, but there is a choice in how to respond. There is always a choice when it comes to violence.”
Tri Town Get Down "The Uptown Get Down music festival was such a huge success that organizers are expanding it next year into what they hope will become the largest music festival in Eastern Washington."
The dangerous politics of woke “The idea of staying awake in the face of oppression has been around for at least a hundred years.”
The Emerald of Siam Turns 40 “The Emerald of Siam, now under the ownership of Ravadi’s son Bill and daughter Dara, is celebrating forty years with a weekend of music, dance, poetry, and amazing food.”
Tri-Cities Native Releases Third Jazz Album – It Comes in Waves “It Comes in Waves features eight new compositions by Slage-Koch along with his arrangement of the Tears for Fears classic 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World.'“
Democracy needs free press to survive “The freedom to report on the government and its leaders without censorship is a fundamental principle of a functioning democracy.”
easyday joins the local music scene “As the music industry has changed dramatically over the last few decades, Tri-Cities bands continue to form, evolve, regroup, and make a name for themselves.”
Ravadi Quinn and The Voice of Silence “Ravadi writes about how we can discover Divine Grace through the stillness of silence.”
The Skyler Mendell Sextet "Skyler Mendell is a fantastic jazz trumpet player originally from Richland. The Skyler Mendell Sextet recorded an album which was just released in May."