Action plans for BSUs in Washington State “Here are examples of some of the assemblies, programming, and workshops that I think would really ramp up the efficacy of BSUs in Washington.”
Responding to racism It is crucial for young Black individuals to understand how to address ignorance, derogatory remarks, and uncomfortable comments...
Black cartoons "Without them, the animated realm would be devoid of depth and richness leaving only a pale reflection of what could be."
Black comedy "Black comedy plays a vital role in dealing with social and racial issues through humor."
Three Black judges you need to know "The fact that Black people are better represented in the judicial system is a huge step toward racial equity in courts."
Shirley Chisholm "Shirley Chisholm has paved the way for Black individuals who felt they weren’t seen in the political world."
Racial cruelty in Walla Walla School District "There must be a removal of any racist content within school curriculums and an end to derogatory name calling."
Black female writers "Reading stories written by Black female writers lets me know that I’m not alone in my thoughts..."
Three Black poets you need to know "To me, these poets embody the greatest form of fortitude and heroism, which is why I choose to celebrate them for Poetry Month this year!"
Black bodies are beautiful "Black noses prove that in order for something to be beautiful, it doesn't need to be in a single straight line, or at a small scale."
Black historical figures The black activists and creators have opened so many doors, and invented a plethora of things that we still use till this day, and they deserve to be talked about every day!
Black community/Black culture “Black cookouts celebrate food, drinks, games, dances, and music that's completely Blackity Black.”
To be a Black student in a white school “Being Black at a predominantly white school causes us to feel intellectually and physically vulgarized in a variety of ways.”
The Underground Railroad and the runaway slave “Forevermore, I will be seen as a free African American.”
A Tale of Two Grizzlies Once upon a time, not too long ago, there was a faraway land of black and white grizzly bears…
Black culture in popular culture “Black style is such an important part of American culture. It is the seasoning that gives everything more flavor.”
Black skin, Black hair, Black love, and overall Blackness "Blackness itself is a gift from the heavens up above, from the highest sphere of the galaxy."
Spotlight on the Black experience: Free at last "Why do they punish us for speaking our own language and force us to learn theirs?"
How police brutality affects African Americans psychologically “The police already view us as a threat before we even speak or move.”
One student’s transition from struggle to success "The questions seemed to taunt me and certain words looked like they were from another language."
Black culture, Black essence, Black celebration "I wish ... to be able to walk in absolute and unapologetic Blackness."