Beginning a new year can be complicated. It can sometimes be difficult to determine what we truly need or want for the new year as we reflect on the old one. For this month's pick-a-card reading, I put the focus on what we need to embrace or lean towards, and it is my hope that it helps provide some direction. These are not resolutions or expectations, just gentle guidance on some shifts in perspective that could be helpful on your journey ahead. In these readings I also included a word of the month for each message.
Take a few deep breaths and focus on your intent with this reading. Ask yourself to be guided to the message that is meant for you. You can either pick a number (1, 2, or 3) or pick an image, and then read the corresponding message. Don’t forget to journal, record a voice memo, color your chosen image, or engage in some other form of expression regarding how the message resonates with you.

Card One:
If you were drawn to this card, you got the Two of Wands as your messenger today. The Two of Wands is a card of decisions, planning, and working out what your next steps will be. It is the moment we recognize that changes need to be made, and we are inspired to craft new things for our lives. It is a time to invite yourself to be bold, and being from the wand suit, a time to be inspired.
A good way to embrace this energy going into the new year is to make sure that you are taking some time to look into the changes that you both want and need to make. What plans have you been avoiding making? Could your approach to those changes be better managed with a little planning and reorganization to help fit those changes into your life? While making these plans, don’t forget to embrace the courage needed to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. You have grown and learned a lot and may not be recognizing how capable you truly are!
Your word for the month is COURAGE.

Card Two:
The Three of Wands is a card of seeking and exploring. It’s after we’ve already determined we are in need of change, made our plans, and set our intention. This is when we are meant to take more action and to bring it into reality. For this reading, it came up in reversed position, which means that if you’re drawn to this card, you may need to get past some challenges on your way to this change. Sometimes we get overwhelmed or discouraged when the plan doesn’t initially work out, and may question our ability and desire to go forward anyway.
You may be expecting perfection too early on in the game right now. This is the time to take small steps, mess up, and adapt. If you have a habit of being too hard on yourself or avoiding things you can’t execute in the way you imagined, this card is asking you to embrace imperfections and messy attempts. You do not need to know all the answers, you just have to try. There will be setbacks and challenges that will push you and even destroy the original plan, and that is not only okay, but good! Remain flexible and focus on just the next little thing. Move forward, even if the plan looks nothing like it once did.
Your word of the month is ADAPTATION.

If you were drawn to the third message, it’s brought to you by the Page of Swords. This card is analytical, mentally sharp, and ready to charge ahead with a youthful determination. This Page of Swords has shown up in the reversed position, however, which means that wonderful energy is a little blocked and tangled at the moment. This usually means some mental clutter, a lack of direction, and feeling like it is just impossible to act on any ideas. This energy is not lazy, it’s exhausted and scattered with a need for balance.
As something to embrace for the new year, the reversed Page of Swords indicates that those drawn to this message may benefit from some grounding and centering before trying to push themselves in any particular direction. You may be trying to seek answers you just won’t have for a while, and it can make you procrastinate the efforts you’re meant to work on. Embrace what you do not know and recognize the power behind being an observer that is ready to learn. You may also be rushing certain things in your life that simply need more time and attention to detail. Finish an old project instead of charging after something new.
Your word of the month is BALANCE.
Jae Melland is a tarot, palm, and rune reader at Lotus of the Moon in Richland. You can schedule readings with Jae by emailing her at Jae also has walk-in hours at Lotus of the Moon Fridays and Saturdays 12pm–3pm.