Old Friendly: Iconic Tri-Cities band returns on Saturday September 9th Latent Print Records & The Emerald of Siam Present: Old Friendly LP Release Show
A Tale of Two Grizzlies Once upon a time, not too long ago, there was a faraway land of black and white grizzly bears…
Ropework: Processing beauty Philip E. Harding’s exhibition of rope work will be on display at the Gallery at the Park August 29–September 30. The artist reception is Sunday, September 10, 1–3pm.
Art & poetry from the August 2023 issue of Tumbleweird Enjoy this month’s collection of art and poetry featured in the August 2023 issue of Tumbleweird!
When (and how) do we debate vaccine science? “Hotez made the right call. “Debate me or you’re a coward” will not help move knowledge forward.”
Ravadi Quinn and The Voice of Silence “Ravadi writes about how we can discover Divine Grace through the stillness of silence.”
Arkham… home of the Cthulhu Mythos and other weird fiction “It [Arkham House] is an example of a small publishing company that had a mission to preserve a genre of literature and succeeded.”
Shakespeare in the Park 2023: Going into the woods "I really hope you'll join us for one of the performances of A Midsummer Night’s Dream."
How climate policies work together Let’s see how climate policies work together to limit global warming.
Ploughing Poems “If poetry is not a project, then what is its function? If poetry isn't for saying something, then how should it be used?”
Mikey's Chance dogs Please find it in your heart to give one of these dogs a home — even a temporary one.
Golden Paladin (Aug 2023) “She wheeled to look at the Golden Paladin, sure her eyes were as large as a hill giant’s but unable to wrangle her expression into anything more professional.”
A Spoken Space: Interview with Juru da Wise JuruDaWise holds pop-up-style events called “A Spoken Space: A Safe Space To Be Heard” — Open Mic and Poetry/Spoken Word nights at different venues, cafes, and restaurants in the Tri-Cities.
Visibility. Accessibility. “I've been involved in the art scene for over 25 years now, and in all that time, I've only seen one disabled artist.”
Black culture in popular culture “Black style is such an important part of American culture. It is the seasoning that gives everything more flavor.”
Oasis in the desert “We can be an oasis of engagement in the desert of unmet behavioral health needs.”
Nonfiction roundup “To hopefully save you from sinking into despair after reading some of my recommendations for nonfiction, I decided to go half upsetting and half… well, not upsetting. (Cheerful may be a stretch.)”
Tri-Cities Food Co-Op “While they’re not reinventing the wheel, Tri-Cities Food Co-Op is a hub for a great many vendors, educators, and community members that increase the Tri-Cities’ accessibility to local food.”
Love note to a book: The Futurological Congress “On the surface—hilarity. Underneath—did you actually just articulate what is wrong with everything?”
SNAP to it: Get fresh, local produce at farmers markets “We are lucky to live surrounded by farmers whose constant work provides the state and the country with some of the best produce available.”
Toxic algae is a big deal. “Climate change coupled with excessive nutrient pollution may cause more intense and frequent algae blooms.”
Three games, one designer “If these games sound fun, check out https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/khanat/yama on Kickstarter!”