Peace Corps is lying to you. “It seems like what Peace Corps cares most about is protecting themselves, not protecting us.”
Saving the Inflation Reduction Act “Your message is more persuasive than you might think. Few people write to their representatives in Congress…”
Protecting refugees and human rights “Carter gave much to the American people and even more to millions overseas who faced persecution and human rights abuses at home.”
PFLAG offers community support all day January 20 "They aren't just headlines — they're existential threats to real people's lives."
Killing won’t bring peace “The choice of who to support shouldn’t be about who has the greater moral or legal right to violence. The choice should be whether violence is the moral choice at all.”
“YOU’RE GOING TO BE DEPORTED!” "Living in our ‘safe state’ doesn’t mean you’re immune to fear and harassment."
La comunidad de Mattawa se une para abordar la violencia y el consumo de drogas entre los adolescentes / The Mattawa community unites to address violence and drug use among teens BILINGUAL: “La seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros jóvenes son una prioridad compartida.” / “The safety and well-being of our youth is a shared priority.”
Justice, Peace, Love - Response to violence "The response from news pundits and social media to the July 13th assassination attempt on Donald Trump was as predictable as it was reactionary and uninformed."
Padres, hablen con sus hijos. / Parents, talk to your children. BILINGUAL: “Rosa never imagined that her family would be caught in the nightmare of opioid addiction.”
Can climate solutions address other systemic issues? "by passing carbon fee and dividend legislation ... we can make progress on a variety of economic and environmental issues..."
From South Africa to Palestine, apartheid will fall "Apartheid creates the conditions for resistance because no group of people would submit to permanently being denied basic human dignity."
Justice, Peace, Love: Anti-trans bullying is deadly "Young people will say `My government hates me,’ ‘My school hates me,’ `They don’t want me to exist.'"
Justice, Peace, Love: Execution is not justice "If the law were merely to ensure equal punishment for a crime, it would be an eye for an eye, leading to a society in which everyone is blind."
Alleviating income inequality "A key priority of most Democrats is reducing the income inequality that has drastically increased since the Reagan Revolution in the 1980s."
A story from trafficking survivors “There are an estimated twenty-five million people globally trapped in labor trafficking.”
Book review: Witness to Addiction “Dr. Gerber’s witness to the addiction of her son is a compelling argument on how to fight America's opioid epidemic.”
The New Climate War "Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, and denial of the human role in climate change isn’t the only way that effective action on climate change is opposed."
Washington and Idaho hospitals shutter labor & delivery services "This public health crisis shows that a public solution is crucial: Our entire system must be radically transformed to meet the needs of women, children, families, and everyone else."
White supremacy in the ranks “Why did it take an FBI investigation to uncover this? How many other police departments have a similar culture?”
My abortion “I think about it a lot… the stigma and shame we are made to feel about making the choices that are best for us.”
Insecurity and injustice: Washington’s pandemic eviction crisis "Housing in the US does not exist to keep people housed, but rather as a commodity to extract maximal profit for its owners."