Inteligencia Artificial: ¿Ventaja o peligro? / Artificial Intelligence: Advantage or danger? BILINGUAL: “What’s your take on artificial intelligence?” / “¿Usted qué piensa de la inteligencia artificial?”
Protecting refugees and human rights “Carter gave much to the American people and even more to millions overseas who faced persecution and human rights abuses at home.”
Killing won’t bring peace “The choice of who to support shouldn’t be about who has the greater moral or legal right to violence. The choice should be whether violence is the moral choice at all.”
Christmas is canceled in Bethlehem, Palestinian Christians say “'There will be no Christmas in Bethlehem because of Israel’s mass murdering of Palestinian children and people in Gaza.'“
La ‘deforma’ judicial en México / The ‘deform’ of the judiciary in Mexico BILINGUAL: “We don’t have a crystal ball to predict how things will go, and there will obviously be a steep learning curve.” / “No tenemos una bola mágica para saber cómo nos irá, y evidentemente será complicada la curva de aprendizaje.”
El sueño mexicano, parte 2: Recursos en México / The Mexican Dream, part 2: Resources in Mexico BILINGUAL: “Investing in a pension in Mexico is legal, practical, and inexpensive compared to the benefits you receive.” / “Invertir en una pensión en México es legal y prácticamente barato comparado con lo que se obtiene.”
QUERIDO / DEAR BILINGUAL:"I believe that, as with any new path, we start poorly, choosing clumsily." / "Creo que como todo camino comenzado, empezamos mal, eligiendo torpemente."
La realidad de la burocracia en México / The reality of bureaucracy in Mexico BILINGUAL: “El cáncer comienza cuando los puestos, son ocupados por recomendados que no deberían ostentar el cargo.” / “The cancer develops when positions are filled by ‘recommended’ candidates who should not hold them.”
Grassroots prevention of genocide “Our Jewish, Muslim, Arab, and Sikh neighbors and friends deserve safety and security wherever they live.”
It's National Immunization Awareness Month, and we're closer than ever to eradicating polio "Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 35 years. Our goal of ridding the world of this disease is closer than ever."
Transpective: Let trans kids play sports Let kids play! Let them learn. Let them be kids without scrutinizing their physicality.
A bipartisan pathway for pricing carbon in 2025 "There are good reasons to think that a national price on carbon can be passed by Congress in 2025."
BILINGUAL: San Martín y el Golpe de Estado en Argentina / San Martín and the Coup d’État in Argentina BILINGUAL: "The month of August has witnessed crucial events in the history of our Argentina..."
Letter to the Editor: Operation Olive Branch "I am writing to share information about Operation Olive Branch..."
“It's not a religious conflict. It's a genocide.” "It didn't start on October 7th; we've been affected by this for 76-plus years."
From South Africa to Palestine, apartheid will fall "Apartheid creates the conditions for resistance because no group of people would submit to permanently being denied basic human dignity."
Why are the Tri-Cities failing Palestine? "Our Muslim neighbors need us to stand with them. The Palestinian people need us to stand with them."
At what cost? “Ah, but there is a choice in how to respond. There is always a choice when it comes to violence.”
The New Climate War "Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, and denial of the human role in climate change isn’t the only way that effective action on climate change is opposed."
Compelling international climate solutions "We can compel nations to work together with the carbon border adjustment."