Opciones de ofrenda del Día de Muertos / Offerings for the Day of the Dead BILINGUAL: “Tendrán sus ofrendas y podré llorar, rezar, lamentar y agradecer en paz.” / “They will have their offerings; and I will be able to cry, pray, mourn, and give thanks in peace.”
¿Qué es un hombre recalcitrante? / What is a recalcitrant man? BILINGUAL: “Su obra cumbre es Pedro Páramo, y su autor: Juan Rulfo.” / “The masterpiece is Pedro Páramo, and its author: Juan Rulfo.”
El claustro contemporáneo / The contemporary cloister BILINGUAL: “Sólo quien ha vivido en el claustro penitenciario tiene autoridad para hablar de cómo es la vida allí”. / “Only those who have lived in the penitentiary cloister have the authority to speak about what life is like there.”
La comunidad de Mattawa se une para abordar la violencia y el consumo de drogas entre los adolescentes / The Mattawa community unites to address violence and drug use among teens BILINGUAL: “La seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros jóvenes son una prioridad compartida.” / “The safety and well-being of our youth is a shared priority.”
Silent Strength: Shadows of Domestic Violence and Workplace Bias BILINGUAL: “Silent Strength es un poderoso testimonio del espíritu inquebrantable de aquellos que buscan justicia e igualdad frente a la adversidad.” / “Silent Strength is a powerful testament to the unyielding spirit of those who seek justice and equality in the face of adversity.”
La realidad de la burocracia en México / The reality of bureaucracy in Mexico BILINGUAL: “El cáncer comienza cuando los puestos, son ocupados por recomendados que no deberían ostentar el cargo.” / “The cancer develops when positions are filled by ‘recommended’ candidates who should not hold them.”
Pioneros en educación política y conciencia ciudadana / Pioneers in political education and civic awareness BILINGUAL: “La justicia y la dignidad no son solo para aquellos que pueden pagarla.” / “Justice and dignity are not just for those who can afford them.”
El “Sueño Mexicano” / The “Mexican Dream” BILINGUAL: “Con más semanas, mayor salario y una mayor edad, la pensión por cesantía se incrementa sustancialmente en su monto.” “With more weeks, a higher salary, and a higher age, the unemployment pension amount significantly increases.”
Carta al despecho / Regarding spite BILINGUAL: "Dear broken soul, I know that you have recently lost love."
La independencia de México / Mexico’s independence BILINGUAL: "The independence movement in Mexico had its roots in a combination of internal and external factors."
Dependencia de la luz / Dependency of light BILINGUAL: "The art of keeping a dream alive is much like the trembling dance of a circus tightrope walker."
La carta de Manchuria – Primera parte / The Manchurian letter – Part one BILINGUAL: "...the Soviet army invaded the Manchuria region in northern China..."
La muñeca triste / The sad doll BILINGUAL: "This was a doll that was forgotten by mistake in a corner."
Se forma el Círculo de Justicia de Mujeres para construir puentes de comunicación con el distrito escolar de Wahluke / Women’s Justice Circle forms to build bridges with the Wahluke School District BILINGUAL: "One of the primary goals of the Women’s Justice Circle is to establish an open and ongoing dialogue with the school district."
La Coalición Estatal 'Nueva Dirección' destaca el enfoque de María Beltrán en la legislación que prioriza a las personas / Statewide Coalition 'New Direction' highlights Maria Beltran's focus on people-first legislation BILINGUAL: “Together, we can ensure the voters of the new 14th Legislative District have the political representation they need and deserve,”
La Junta Escolar de Sunnyside está actualizando sus elecciones / Sunnyside School Board is updating their elections BILINGUAL: "The Sunnyside School District has agreed to change its electoral process to a district-based one..."
La Calma. / The Calm. BILINGUAL: "The pause helps you recover. It helps you to know when to let go of command." / "La pausa ayuda a recuperarse, a saber cuándo soltar el mando."
Contaminación del agua y sus consecuencias en el Valle de Yakima / Water contamination and its consequences in the Yakima Valley BILINGUAL: “Nitrate contamination in the Yakima Valley is one of the most severe issues…”
Agua y sal / Water and salt BILINGUAL: "And when we cast our gaze towards humanity, we cannot forget the people who traveled the Bering Strait..."
BILINGUAL: Rock Iberoamericano / Ibero-American Rock BILINGUAL: "I come to talk about the lesser-known side of the coin: rock that developed in Ibero-America."
BILINGUAL: San Martín y el Golpe de Estado en Argentina / San Martín and the Coup d’État in Argentina BILINGUAL: "The month of August has witnessed crucial events in the history of our Argentina..."
BILINGUAL: Trabajadores del campo en Washington: Enfrentando altas temperaturas y falta de protección. / Farm workers in Washington: Facing high temperatures and lack of protection BILINGUAL: “Farm workers face significant challenges, especially during the summer months when high temperatures pose a serious risk to their health and well-being.”
Comunicadores sin filtro / Communicators without filters BILINGUAL: "Today, everyone thinks they are a communicator..."