Storytime Bookshop is a wonderful place for kids to read and play “Every kid gets a free book the first time they come in.”
When science fiction invaded Christmas “The invasion of science fiction toys successfully conquered the world in the 1950s and 1960s.”
Werewolf, there wolf? "In fiction and film, humans that transformed into werewolves typically no longer had human control, and became predatory animals."
¿Qué es un hombre recalcitrante? / What is a recalcitrant man? BILINGUAL: “Su obra cumbre es Pedro Páramo, y su autor: Juan Rulfo.” / “The masterpiece is Pedro Páramo, and its author: Juan Rulfo.”
Silent Strength: Shadows of Domestic Violence and Workplace Bias BILINGUAL: “Silent Strength es un poderoso testimonio del espíritu inquebrantable de aquellos que buscan justicia e igualdad frente a la adversidad.” / “Silent Strength is a powerful testament to the unyielding spirit of those who seek justice and equality in the face of adversity.”
The Fractured Balance comes to Booktopia! "We’re putting the final touches on our second novel, titled The Fractured Balance!"
The Necronomicon and the mysterious John Dee "So, who is John Dee and what does he have to do with The Necronomicon?"
300 Books "It’s now 2024, I’m retired, my sons are grown, and our book club just finished our 300th book."
Patricia Briggs' unique blend of suburban noir and fantasy Patricia Briggs has book signings tonight and tomorrow!
Black female writers "Reading stories written by Black female writers lets me know that I’m not alone in my thoughts..."
Robert Jordan: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long "However, Jordan was more than just an author."
New Books for Spring "For this year’s spring releases, I’m focusing on two of the library’s most popular genres: Romance and Thrillers."
Publishing evolution: From chapbooks to hardbacks "At first, science fiction, fantasy, and horror authors could only find small publishers to publish their work in hardback."
Do androids dream of Philip K. Dick?? "The definition of reality... seems to be one of the questions that flows through PKD’s writing."
A review of women characters written by women authors "As with McFadden’s other novels, nothing is as it seems, and if you think you know what’s going to happen, you’re wrong. "
Kurtis Dolman: The Last Red Wolf "Are you a fan (or think you could be) of paranormal and urban LGBTQ+ fantasy? If so, continue reading about an exciting new book by a local author!"
A Review of Kristin Hannah’s The Women "The Women, while focused on the experience of women in the Vietnam War, reflects how women have bravely stepped into harm’s way but have been dismissed by history."
Book review: Witness to Addiction “Dr. Gerber’s witness to the addiction of her son is a compelling argument on how to fight America's opioid epidemic.”
THE BOOK REPORT: Review of Rebecca Yarros’ Fourth Wing “Who is Rebecca Yarros and where did everyone hear about this Fourth Wing book?”
The Birth of Robots "One of the things that has interested me most is the significant contribution of the concept of robots in science fiction.”
Review of “Toxic Positivity: Keeping It Real in a World Obsessed with Being Happy” by Whitney Goodman “The process of toxic positivity results in the denial, minimization, and invalidation of the authentic emotional experience.”