Narrated by Shae Strong and Randell Moore
Hi! N.A. Soleil here with some exciting news!
We’re putting the final touches on our second novel, titled The Fractured Balance!
And — not just that, but we were accepted into BackerKit’s Booktopia, so we will be running a crowdfunding campaign with some cool rewards (like custom art from me, N Soleil) and extras to unlock (like an audiobook!!), starting September 5 and ending on September 26.
It’s technically a sort of prequel to Everdark, following Pheonix (‘misspelled’ intentionally) from birth, through enslavement, and to becoming the half-baked embodiment of Justice — though here’s a more official description:
“Is there a numerical value for how many flaws must be present before a system becomes so far from perfect it must burn? Or is that measured only in pain?”
When emotionless, immortal genetic experiment Pheonix escapes the slavers’ arena and arrives in the utopian elven city of Terelath, he learns that the Metacosm is governed by an ideology known as ‘the balance’ — which claims that the kind of evil Pheonix experienced while enslaved is a tolerable part of the natural order.
Unbeknownst to him, Pheonix is the long-awaited Ascended of Justice, and those drawn to Justice quickly gather around him. With their help, he hones his innate abilities and sets out to investigate the covert system supporting ‘the balance.’
As Pheonix begins to uncover that the metacosm’s governing bodies are chained to injustice at the core, he and his newfound allies vow to excise the corruption … even if it means all-out war.
As you all know, A and I are chronically/mentally ill, neurodivergent, and disabled. We’ve seen a lot of shit in our 35+ years of life, and while therapy is great, it’s also expensive and inaccessible.
So for us to survive combat, abuse, facing our mortality, homelessness, severe pain, and the simple and neutral cruelty of existence, we had to find some way to process.
That ‘way’ was Metacosm. If you read Everdark (a story about a mentally ill teenager fighting her own mind to regain her agency and identity), none of this will be a surprise to you. The Fractured Balance is no different.
Everybody’s stressed right now. We are living with inflation, existing in a dying capitalist hellscape, COVID still raging after four years and over a million deaths, continuing to watch rich white cismen buying environment-destroying yachts and stashing their money in offshore accounts to avoid taxes while we struggle to even breathe — all of which the upcoming election is brining into sharp focus.
So let us offer The Fractured Balance as catharsis; for us, and for you, too. It’s a dark, gory, philosophical tale dealing heavily with the ‘identity’ of evil and what Justice means. We wrote it as a way to let out the rage at society that we have to constantly swallow. We invite you to use Pheonix as we used him: to live vicariously through. We invite you to stand with Justice.
We’ll leave you with the cameo our best boy, The Golden Paladin, makes in The Fractured Balance.
Next was a person in full teal-and-golden ceremonial plate armor, a full-face helmet, and a long, royal blue cape. Pheonix immediately felt a sort of inexplicable kinship.
“My Lord,” came a strong, medium-toned voice, somehow clear despite the helmet. “I will not keep you long. I am the Golden Paladin, pursuant of justice. You likely are aware of me, having spent time on Archaic Earth. I apologize that I know your history without asking, but it does get around.”
“I am aware of you, and it is certainly a pleasure to meet you,” Pheonix said, and meant it. “The Maester I stayed with taught me much of the history of Archaic Earth and your role in it. It seems we are kindred spirits.”
Pheonix got the sense of smiling, though the Golden Paladin’s face was hidden.
“Indeed. I only wished to meet you and ask you a question.”
“You may.”
“Do you have plans to return to Archaic Earth?”
“Not at this time.” Though, he thought, there are now several reasons to go. Perhaps I should add it under Assisi in my list of future destinations.
The Golden Paladin bowed slightly. “Of course, you are in the midst of great change. I ask only that you keep it in mind as you continue your journey.”
“I will.”
“May the Creator keep you well,” the Golden Paladin said and bowed again, turning away.
Pheonix accessed his mental archives:
The Golden Paladin: the de facto ruler of Archaic Earth. The Commander of the Silver Hand, the Order of Paladins that travel literally everywhere to provide succor and protection to places that otherwise might be without. The Golden Paladin united the Kingdoms of Archaic Earth after a war that almost destroyed all life on Archaic Earth in the Third Age, though his history and whereabouts before he got involved with said war remain unknown to the public. He appears to be a particularly devout follower of the Creator, and is known to be a brilliant tactician and fierce warrior.
Why would someone like that come to see him personally?
To read more about the campaign and the novel, go to or use the QR code below.

N.A. Soleil is a portmanteau pseudonym of the two authors' names.