Weaponization of the spoiler effect "This is not an article to support one candidate or another, but rather to shine a light on a flaw in our system."
Reichert cannot hide his anti-abortion agenda "It’s no wonder Reichert is actively downplaying his voting record and past statements."
Werewolf, there wolf? "In fiction and film, humans that transformed into werewolves typically no longer had human control, and became predatory animals."
November 2024: Your vote f**king MATTERS. Listen: Even if you don't feel hopeful, we're asking you to TRY.
Game Mastering 101: Character backstories "Running a character isn’t about extending non-collaborative backstory into the game."
¿Qué es un hombre recalcitrante? / What is a recalcitrant man? BILINGUAL: “Su obra cumbre es Pedro Páramo, y su autor: Juan Rulfo.” / “The masterpiece is Pedro Páramo, and its author: Juan Rulfo.”
Muralism - Public art can change the world "We have been using art as a way of recordkeeping and communicating ... since the beginning of time."
Claudia De La Cruz: Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race "Those who vote for alternatives are portrayed as petulant and privileged..."
El claustro contemporáneo / The contemporary cloister BILINGUAL: “Sólo quien ha vivido en el claustro penitenciario tiene autoridad para hablar de cómo es la vida allí”. / “Only those who have lived in the penitentiary cloister have the authority to speak about what life is like there.”
Black comedy "Black comedy plays a vital role in dealing with social and racial issues through humor."
Tarot Time: Strength "The question we will be asking ourselves is: 'What ‘weaknesses’ do I need to understand better?'"
La comunidad de Mattawa se une para abordar la violencia y el consumo de drogas entre los adolescentes / The Mattawa community unites to address violence and drug use among teens BILINGUAL: “La seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros jóvenes son una prioridad compartida.” / “The safety and well-being of our youth is a shared priority.”
Silent Strength: Shadows of Domestic Violence and Workplace Bias BILINGUAL: “Silent Strength es un poderoso testimonio del espíritu inquebrantable de aquellos que buscan justicia e igualdad frente a la adversidad.” / “Silent Strength is a powerful testament to the unyielding spirit of those who seek justice and equality in the face of adversity.”
La realidad de la burocracia en México / The reality of bureaucracy in Mexico BILINGUAL: “El cáncer comienza cuando los puestos, son ocupados por recomendados que no deberían ostentar el cargo.” / “The cancer develops when positions are filled by ‘recommended’ candidates who should not hold them.”
Pioneros en educación política y conciencia ciudadana / Pioneers in political education and civic awareness BILINGUAL: “La justicia y la dignidad no son solo para aquellos que pueden pagarla.” / “Justice and dignity are not just for those who can afford them.”
Wheat farmers of Washington: Photos by Scott Butner "I’ve been fortunate enough to meet some of the families that farm these hills, and spend some time with them, photographing the harvest season."
Come get your Screech on! "I’m delighted to help put on a special annual event at the REACH Museum!!"
El “Sueño Mexicano” / The “Mexican Dream” BILINGUAL: “Con más semanas, mayor salario y una mayor edad, la pensión por cesantía se incrementa sustancialmente en su monto.” “With more weeks, a higher salary, and a higher age, the unemployment pension amount significantly increases.”
Up-and-coming teen rapper from Tri-Cities releases new single with FUTURISTIC “It’s the kind of song you should be listening to with the windows down and the volume up.”