Divine Love by Rhidley de Léon (he/him) / https://lumens8ite.com
We've got some cool things planned for 2025.
And we're excited to have you along. There may even be stickers.
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About the cover: Divine Love by Rhidley de Léon (he/him)
Back when I was a kid, being trans was not as widely known or talked about the way it is today. I was 11 when I started wearing binders and using a different name and pronouns... I was certainly the odd one out in school. I longed to meet someone who already had that mutual understanding and didn’t need an explanation on my identity.
Divine Love is inspired by T4T (Trans for Trans) relationships, what it’s like to find the person who really understands you, and how truly validating this kind of love is. Sharing life with another transman changed me for the better. I learned to embrace my ‘trans’ traits and live authentically in the body I was given, all thanks to the power of love.
Commissions and more: https://lumens8ite.com
—Rhidley de Léon

Shoutout to our $100+ sponsors: Jeremiah Griffith, Justin Jones, Sara & Brendan Quinn, and Ted Miller; our $50 sponsors: Jeff Kissel & Casey Branson; our $30+ sponsors: Henry & Cris, and Lucky Flowers; and our $20+ sponsors: Adam Ball, Andy Miller, Ann Roseberry, Brian Griffith, Charles T Miller, Dale Width, Dave Trotter, David Spaulding, Erin Schmidt, Jeffrey Albertson, Jenni Heerink, Jillian Cadwell, John Middleton, John Roach, Kurt & Francesca Maier, LeAnn Dawson, Lisa Campbell, Mark Brault, Mary Lawler, Paul Carlisle, Paul Certa, Randy Slovic, Rick Richardson, Rik Smith, Sandra Girnus, Sarah Springer, Susannah Burrows, Xenophile Bibliopole & Armorer. Also, everyone who supports us on Patreon.

We also want to thank Inatai Foundation, as always. They are doing work to build community, too. They recently came to the Tri-Cities to bring together multiple local organizations that do equity work. We are so fortunate to have Inatai in Washington state.

SO MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT to Alcon Media—especially Ulises Navarro, whose dedication and love for the community makes El Vuelo Informativo possible!!!