Hello! It’s me, your Wordle Oracle, here to interpret your Wordle games.

This month’s reading is for Olivia in Richland (though I suspect it is applicable to a good number of us), who writes:

“Wordacle, my heart is broken. I don’t know what to do.”

Oh, my dear… I’m so sorry. I wish I could wrap you up in a big hug — along with anyone else out there who is feeling brokenhearted. 

Your first two guesses say it all: HEART and LOSER. I would be hard pressed to find a pair of words more relatable.

But then, you rally with the word CREDO. It looks like you decided to be your own lighthouse on a dark and stormy night. You can be your own guide! And do you know what? In doing so, you will — inadvertently or not — be a guide to others, as well.

Now, the last two words really show your pluck and daring. I think most people would have tried to place the D at the end, but you saw that the E wasn’t in the 4th slot, and thought, Let’s try it a different way.

And my, but didn’t that pay off! The only thing left to do in turn 5 was to change the N to a V. You DROVE yourself right out of that doom and gloom!

I’m so very proud of you. You are doing a good job… even when you’re feeling lost.

Allusia Lexana is a word-weaving oracle who helps wordlers discover their inner motivations and deeper truths.