Historic Downtown Prosser Heritage Garden (Courtesy https://www.hgcd.info)
Kelsey Kelmel
Benton Conservation District
Stewardship starts in your yard! Even incorporating a small patch of native plants in your space can provide a wealth of benefits to you and our local community. Here are just a few of the many ways in which planting native plants can have an impact:
Native plants are adapted to regional conditions, meaning they require less water to thrive. Using native and drought tolerant species can cut water usage by upwards of 65% compared to a lawn.
Native plants are constantly adapting strategies to cope with our local climate patterns. Incorporating native biodiversity into our spaces increases our resilience to extreme heat and drought and costs associated with them.
Native plants do not require fertilizer, weekly mowing, or constant watering to thrive, meaning you save time and money on the amount of inputs spent in your space.
Planting native plants creates habitat and food sources for the beneficial insects of our ecosystem. Many native insects play a role in pollination of our food crops and gardens while also serving as a food source for birds and other local fauna.
By planting natives, we honor the natural and cultural heritage of the lands we call home. It’s the ultimate way to support the beauty and biodiversity of the flora and fauna of Eastern Washington
Ready to start planting native plants? Here are a few regionally based resources to help you on your native plant journey!
The Heritage Garden Program — A free garden certification program through the Benton and Franklin Conservation Districts offering site visits, customized plant lists, planting plans, and technical support on gardening with native plants. Learn more and set up a free site visit!
www.hgcd.info Instagram: @theheritagegardenprogram
Columbia Basin Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society — A volunteer-led group of native plant enthusiasts whose mission is “to promote the appreciation and conservation of Washington’s native plants and their habitats through study, education, and advocacy.” Events are free and open to all botanical skill levels.
www.cbwnps.org Instagram: @columbiabasinwnps
Tapteal Native Plants — A native plant nursery located in West Richland specializing in growing native and drought tolerant species.
www.taptealnativeplants.com Instagram: @taptealnativeplants
Derby Canyon Natives — A native plant nursery located in Peshastin specializing in growing native and drought tolerant species.
https://derbycanyonnatives.com Instagram: @derbycanyon
Plants of the Wild — A native plant nursery located in Tekoa specializing in growing native and drought tolerant species.
https://plantsofthewild.com Instagram: @plantsofthewild