Detail from A Garden’s Purpose by Angelique Spence (Watercolor, colored pencil, acrylic paint, and white gel pen on watercolor paper)


No matter what happens, we are not alone.

If you're not a part of any small communities, find one. At least one.

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None of us can make it alone, but EACH ONE OF US has to put in the work. No one is coming to save us. We are the ones that have to make things better.

Sometimes you have to risk your own personal comfort in order to create a world in which we can all be safe. 

Cover shows Black woman with garden afro and vines with flowers making a maze coming out of her mouth. Text: "TUMBLEWEIRD: VOLUME 10, ISSUE 3 — MARCH 2025"

About the cover

A Garden’s Purpose by Angelique Spence 

“A Garden’s Purpose is inspired by my thoughts on humanity’s malignant relationship with the earth and its resources. We, as a people, act in superiority and entitlement to the earth’s finite resources and have built a culture dependent on the exploitation of others and the planet. A garden’s purpose is to simply grow, and the ecosystem can potentially benefit.

When everybody takes what they need, moderation creates balance. But taking in excess creates disparity. Humans spend so much time creating problems for ourselves — living in excess, colonizing others, and fighting for justice — that we forget that the earth will continue with or without us. As of late, we’re finally starting to realize that nature’s resilience doesn’t guarantee our safety and security.

It all feels like a plot of a video game… except when our avatar dies or can’t get past the boss fight, we can’t get up and walk away. Or like a labyrinth, where all the obstacles are old white men trying to protect the treasure they stole. I just can’t help but laugh.”

—Angelique Spence

Visit Alcon Media for more information about El Vuelo Informativo and El Centro de la Dignidad!

Thank you, Patrons! Welcome to new sponsor Jennie Brydon!!!

Thank you to our $100+ sponsors: Jeremiah Griffith, Justin Jones, Sara & Brendan Quinn, and Ted Miller; our $50 sponsors: Jeff Kissel & Casey Branson; our $30+ sponsors: Henry & Cris, and Lucky Flowers; and our $20+ sponsors: Adam Ball, Andy Miller, Ann Roseberry, Brian Griffith, Charles T Miller, Dale Width, Dave Trotter, David Spaulding, Erin Schmidt, Jeffrey Albertson, Jenni Heerink, Jennie Brydon, Jillian Cadwell, John Middleton, John Roach, Kurt & Francesca Maier, LeAnn Dawson, Lisa Campbell, Mark Brault, Mary Lawler, Paul Carlisle, Paul Certa, Randy Slovic, Rick Richardson, Rik Smith, Sandra Girnus, Sarah Springer, Susannah Burrows, Xenophile Bibliopole & Armorer. Also, everyone who supports us on Patreon, shares our posts, tells friends about us... every little bit helps!

We also want to thank Inatai Foundation, who does wonderful racial equity work in Washington state. If you don't know about them, I genuinely recommend that you check them out:
