Son matemáticas / It’s mathematics BILINGUAL: “Comfort is essential when something unexpected or threatening happens...” / “El consuelo es importante cuando pasa un asunto que nos llega a desconcertar o que amenaza con hundirnos..."
Humanidad en cada ingrediente / Humanity in every ingredient BILINGUAL: “The travelers and explorers who leave their homes in search of new opportunities, spreading culinary treasures wherever they go.” / “Los viajeros y exploradores, que se van de casa siempre en busca de nuevas oportunidades.”
La otra concordia / The other harmony BILINGUAL: “Paz en la tierra y prosperidad para los hombres de buena voluntad.” / “Peace on earth and goodwill to all.”
Conexión / Connection BILINGUAL: “Regresando a la vida occidental, llena de electrodomésticos y aparatos que facilitan la comunicación, intento hacer un mapa de mis conexiones actuales.”
Fin? / The End? BILINGUAL: “Empieza a preparar tu terreno: que lo revuelves y lo fertilices, de modo que cuando llegue el momento de sembrar, el suelo esté listo para dar buenos frutos.”
Sobre los estados de la materia / On the changing states of matter BILINGUAL: “Thus, after study, reflection, and help, I have concluded that I want my life with everything.” / “Así, luego de estudiar, pensar y recibir ayuda, he concluido que quiero mi vida con todo.”
Sobre emanar / On emanation BILINGUAL: "Believing that one has nothing new and brilliant to offer is a grave mistake." / "Creer que uno no tiene nada nuevo y reluciente que aportar es un craso error."
QUERIDO / DEAR BILINGUAL:"I believe that, as with any new path, we start poorly, choosing clumsily." / "Creo que como todo camino comenzado, empezamos mal, eligiendo torpemente."
Opciones de ofrenda del Día de Muertos / Offerings for the Day of the Dead BILINGUAL: “Tendrán sus ofrendas y podré llorar, rezar, lamentar y agradecer en paz.” / “They will have their offerings; and I will be able to cry, pray, mourn, and give thanks in peace.”
Carta al despecho / Regarding spite BILINGUAL: "Dear broken soul, I know that you have recently lost love."
Dependencia de la luz / Dependency of light BILINGUAL: "The art of keeping a dream alive is much like the trembling dance of a circus tightrope walker."
Agua y sal / Water and salt BILINGUAL: "And when we cast our gaze towards humanity, we cannot forget the people who traveled the Bering Strait..."
Entropía. / Entropy. BILINGUAL: "I prepare for a new shake up, knowing that if it has medium reach, I will enjoy it and take it as a game."
¡Elecciones y lecciones! / Elections and lessons! BILINGUAL: "In this story, the people are the great protagonists..."
¿Cómo saber si vas a donde se supone que deberías de ir? / How do you know if you’re going where you’re supposed to go? BILINGUAL: "For the past three years, I noticed I was scattered."
En la ‘lucha’ libre / In the ‘lucha’ libre BILINGUAL: "It was decided that I would open the tournament representing Mexico in the purest style of lucha libre."
El Spin, y la suave voz calmada de quién sabe qué hacer / The Spin and the calm, soothing voice of the one who knows what to do BILINGUAL: "However, I often hear constant criticism of the search for stability."
Cuando la vida termina / When life ends BILINGUAL: "However, such a small fragment of time… what is it for?"
Galileo, su principio de la inercia, y el vivir (Galileo, his principle of inertia, and living) BILINGUAL: "How do we fill ourselves with dreams and passions?"
What determines greatness?/¿Qué es lo que determina la grandeza? BILINGUAL. “You share the same nature as the cosmos. You are part of it… so trust that you will grow.”