“What’s microfiction?”
“It’s a type of extremely short story that’s popular on the Internet right now. Listen; I’ll explain later, when we’re not trapped on an airplane full of zombies.”
— Deckard-Lee Schaefer
Deckard-Lee Schaefer is a ghost.
cold blue lotus room
i stare into my endless future
frozen in my fear of deciding
prohibited by the distraction and avoidance
that once saved me
and step towards desire
i avoid what i fear
—celeste sylvester

This Time of Year
When it gets to be this time of year, the holidays are through, with many cheerless months ahead, yet to be endured.
Many folks start in remembering. Melancholy for a Summer lost. Longing for the Spring to come.
Me, I like to hunker down, and set myself to dreaming. By building a ship that requires such care. With many parts and many steps, and all the paint and rigging.
Finally finished and put on the shelf, I turn to find that Spring has sprung. Now filled with dreams, my ship sets sail, for the rolling shores of Summer.
—Michael Rastovich
I am less about finishing first. More about finding my way.

They never leave us,
the endless echo of undesired frottage,
the unremitting taste of compelled kisses,
the persistent shadow of shame.
We find our voice
and the savagery spills
from our minds and mouths;
our narratives encounter
tenacious doubt
and seething rage.
Our truths are dismissed,
our souls stained,
and our psyche
bruised and broken.
We merit better.
We deserve
to be heard,
and believed,
and respected,
and valued,
and to live in a world
where we are safe.
—Kimberly A. Starr.
Kimberly writes to process her myriad of thoughts and experiences. She hopes you connect with and find comfort in her words.
Finding Heaven in Hell
Swirling inside, hidden within
Suspended in silence, too late to begin
Memories frozen, those moments in time
The past in the present
Love's lie left behind
Stitches on scars and wounds that still bleed
Heartache that lingers and regrets full of need
We never found closure
The end never came
& though it's all over
Neither one was to blame
The spark we both kindled and fed till aflame
Somehow still burns brightly
Neither one is the same
Unhealed emotions hovering hang in my heart
Stirred up once again by the sounds of your art
Your voice a blade blunt stabbing sweet to my core
This new pain; my old friend, not a foe like before
I lie to myself and give in to your kiss
Let the poison sedate as I sink into abyss
In slumber I'll dream your Love's fantasy real
My heart ever yours, just my life left to steal
I give in to the ebb, with your currents I'll flow
In this fantasy feign your true heart I will know
Sinking under, surrender, as asunder I'm torn
I let go and remember in your arms I'm forlorn
My last breath spent in wonder and praise of your grace
Toward your beauty I wander and at last see your face
I say hello to the dark as I bid light farewell
Sadly sink into madness
Finding Heaven in Hell
—Ernie Lopez
I create jewelry, poetry, and music with a passion for metaphysics like reading tarot and astrology. https://www.facebook.com/etheroftheearth
Main image: Spring Impressions / Will Hanley / I'm a professional nature photographer in Richland, WA. See my website at williamhanley.smugmug.com