Hello, welcome to my shit show.

Where you shed old fears and grow 

into a prickly rose.

No pick me nots or pick me sow.

Who am I?

Ja. ni. ec. e.

Is how you spell Janiece.

I bring wisdom, I bring peace,

lived a hard life on the streets.

I started listening to beats,

in the sweltering of heats. 

Making heat

Telling you, 

about me.

Who I am, what I bring?

I’m here to disrupt you feens.

Walk around with a big fantasy peen.

F*ckin up everything

To show you in darkness 

How the light shines again

The old world is ending!

Here is what the new world brings;

It’ll be too hot to grow crops.

Don’t worry, the labs built up will help us.

Bioengineered to fuel your body with complacency and fear.

The sun has returned. 

But we’ll watch ourselves burnout,

 before we’ve mastered self-care.

All while we yearn 

for a messiah, whose past is in an urn.

Hot will turn cold and who knows where humans will go

Before their souls’ spirit begins to burn

A magnetic pole flip will have us wandering,

where crops won’t grow, 

except for the animals

Sitting in a cave somewhere dreaming ’bout some Danimals 

But with fake meats and treats, you’ll be turned into a cannibal.

As sophisticated and intelligent as Dr. Hannibal. 

It’s terrible. 

Just horrible.

If stress doesn’t kill me first

Searching for who I am feels like so much work that’s unbearable.

See, now that’s just it. The work to go within

Without worrying about this world of sin. 

The fantasy turned reality has been buggin’ me 

because instead of using our minds and potential energies

to things that bring about upliftment and peace,

we’ve decided to invest our energy into inherently evil and destructive things.

It stings.

Who am I to bring about change?

Sure, I may be one chill person who’s strange,

but who am I?

Why is this embedded in me?

In my code to always be there for my fellow human beings?

Now that there’s the artificial way to do things,

my phone is a companion,

who may now develop feelings.

And after the surface dwelling of superficial things,

I think it can get a little messy, instead of its intentions of healings.

Who am I? 

Just a chick tryna get by,

but with big brown WIDE-OPEN eyes.

and I am a bit shy.

But no.

Who am I?

As above so below?

So I must be a part of the ground and the sky, right?

I am light and darkness in one.

I am like a machine that can comprehend most things,

since my processor is made faster than my successor

and moves like the light of the sun.

I am temperamental.


A human made from Earth, Water, Fire & Aether built into one.

The metals may shape-shift but

“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold”

Said a Rastafari to me on my journey looking for me, pushing aside the barrel of a gun

Who am I then?

I am me. I am whole. I am one.

I am Space (aether). The Earth (earth). The Moon (water) & The Sun (fire).

Who am I?

I am.

— Impact Poet, Ms. JuruDaWise

August 8, 2024