Now that we know that eating fewer animal products is good for our health and for the planet, the next question is how to present plant-strong meals as something that tastes as good (or better) than meat based ones. These pages provide some options for dining out and recipes to make your own. Post on social media and tag #PlantStrongTriCities to help others get inspired.
I looked at the top ten restaurants from TripAdvisor and came to a sobering conclusion: Our area lacks highly rated places with plant-strong dinner menus!
So I tapped into my own experience and added a few more. See the result below.
NOTE: Since this article was published, we learned that Twigs and Ray's Golden Lion have vegan menus, too!

It is nowhere near complete, so I am looking forward to your help to make an updated article a year from now.
Tag #PlantStrongTriCities on any recommendation you share on social media to help me put that next article together.