Black cartoons "Without them, the animated realm would be devoid of depth and richness leaving only a pale reflection of what could be."
Brian Griffin Eats Local: I went vegan for a day. “I have personally been responsible for consuming the lower half of about 5,000 birds, and it’s not even Thanksgiving yet.”
Sobre los estados de la materia / On the changing states of matter BILINGUAL: “Thus, after study, reflection, and help, I have concluded that I want my life with everything.” / “Así, luego de estudiar, pensar y recibir ayuda, he concluido que quiero mi vida con todo.”
What the 2024 Election Means for Climate Change “We will continue to engage locally, advocating and implementing our Climate Opportunity Action Plan for Benton and Franklin Counties.”
Un gran dolor de cabeza, el puente de Lewis Street / A major headache: The Lewis Street Overpass BILINGUAL: “City projects should first and foremost benefit the citizens who fund them.” / “Las obras de la ciudad deben beneficiar, primero y ante todo, a los ciudadanos que las financian.”
Las mujeres en el servicio público / Women in public service BILINGUAL: “Women in Washington State government have made remarkable strides in representation.” / “Las mujeres en el gobierno del estado de Washington han logrado avances notables en la representación.”
Third Space Project: Moonshot “We hope that people feel seen in our place. We aren’t just a transaction on your bank statement. We want our customers to feel at home.” This sentiment underscores the heart of Moonshot Brewing’s work to create a sanctuary of connection where everyone is welcome.
Tarot Time: Turn the page “It is time to evaluate if you should continue on your current path, or if it is time to change course.”
HOMBRE TENÍAS QUE SER / YOU HAD TO BE A MAN BILINGUAL: ”Whatever is going on with you, don’t feel ashamed. We’re in this together.” / “No sientas vergüenza. Estamos juntos en esto.”
Those who walk away “The day Aaron chose how he would live the rest of his life, he woke up early, tucked a machete in his belt and a paperback in his coat pocket, and rushed out before sunrise…”
Ensayo del sentir / Essay on feeling BILINGUAL: “Entre las palabras dichas existe un vacío evidente y necesario. / Between the words spoken, there exists an evident and necessary void.”
Game Mastering 101: Epilogues “It’s essential that characters work toward some kind of conclusion, even if their characters wouldn’t necessarily move in that direction naturally."
Christian nationalism in Columbia County “'I am a Christian and I object to anybody proselytizing their religion while wearing a Sheriff's uniform.'”
Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce awards Entrepreneur of the Year to youngest recipient on record “Ulises embodies the spirit of leadership and community support.”
Free hot chocolate and crafts at Christmas Market event "Stop by the Gallery at the Park to enjoy the fun and see the beautiful lights!"
Art & poetry November 2024 Enjoy the wonderful art and poetry from November 2024's issue of Tumbleweird!
Golden Paladin: November 2024 "Sometimes what you needed was for someone else to know what you had been through."
La ‘deforma’ judicial en México / The ‘deform’ of the judiciary in Mexico BILINGUAL: “We don’t have a crystal ball to predict how things will go, and there will obviously be a steep learning curve.” / “No tenemos una bola mágica para saber cómo nos irá, y evidentemente será complicada la curva de aprendizaje.”