Gallery at the Park features new exhibition from Yakima artist Pamela Searcy "Opening this June at Gallery at the Park is a unique new exhibition from talented 2D and 3D artist Pamela Searcy!"
Sacajawea Bluegrass Festival to hold free concert June 8 "Sacajawea Bluegrass Festival will have a family-friendly, free concert on Saturday June 8, 2024."
How did this happen? How did the system fail to protect the victims of Elias Huizar? "On April 22, 2024, the scanner channels in Benton County lit up with the alert. A shooting at Wiley Elementary school..."
June 2024: PRIDE in every color PRIDE: "It's about remembering. It's about celebration. It's about looking forward… it's about loving wild."
Art & Poetry May 2024 A collection of art from the May 2024 issue of Tumbleweird! Plus some extra illustrations by our cover artist this month; Luis Hernandez!
Black female writers "Reading stories written by Black female writers lets me know that I’m not alone in my thoughts..."
Rincón melómano / Music lover's corner: Silvio Rodríguez BILINGUAL: "Silvio Rodríguez is arguably the most recognized and relevant singer-songwriter from the Cuban island..."
Movie reviews: Dune Part 2 & One Love "There was a time when Frank Herbert’s monumental 1965 sci-fi novel Dune was considered unfilmable."
Robert Jordan: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long "However, Jordan was more than just an author."
TRI TOWN GET DOWN: Meet COBRAHAWK, some of the regional rock stars performing in Richland music festival "When talking about live rock in central and eastern Washington, you’ll be hard pressed to find a scene that doesn’t love COBRAHAWK."
RADIANTE MUJER / RADIANT WOMAN: Muchas facetas / Many facets BILINGUAL: "Radiant Woman” has just completed their first dozen live programs!"
Justice, Peace, Love: The people need access to a free press "A few weeks ago, there was a controversial local hot-button issue posted in a social media group with a link to a news article."
New Books for Spring "For this year’s spring releases, I’m focusing on two of the library’s most popular genres: Romance and Thrillers."
Loss of power reliability calls for a stronger grid "...a hidden crisis in the Pacific Northwest, where climate change has created a feedback loop leading to higher emissions and dirtier air."
Tarot Time: Time for attention, encouragement, and support "The focus of this month is what requires a little extra attention, encouragement, and support."
TRI TOWN GET DOWN: DJ who grew up in Tri-Cities returns for music festival the second year in a row "Lofton wants her sets this year to showcase the growth she’s had since last year’s festival."
El Spin, y la suave voz calmada de quién sabe qué hacer / The Spin and the calm, soothing voice of the one who knows what to do BILINGUAL: "However, I often hear constant criticism of the search for stability."
Celebrating 50 years with Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels “Cruising through the Eras” gala on June 20 "Join us on Thursday, June 20 at 6pm to celebrate 50 years and support the Mid-Columbia’s local Meals on Wheels program!"
Ecosystem Health "Biodiversity has suffered tremendously. Domesticated livestock mass is 14 times greater than wild mammal mass."
Pugno Subornare (the suborning fist) BILINGUAL: "In the Latin American social atmosphere, it is very common to assimilate acts of corruption."
New bill safeguards libraries "The Dayton Library that was in danger of being closed by an extremist censorship group last year, now has the protection of SB 5824."
General Mojo’s returns to Tri Town Get Down; an interview with Dune Butler "I couldn’t wait to talk to Dune more about his band and his next visit to the Tri-Cities."
Golden Paladin "By the time morning came, rumors had thoroughly spread throughout the camp about the flash of light that had pierced the night."
Tejido de Voces / Voices Woven BILINGUAL: "In this series, topics of social injustice and negligence by companies like Zirkle Fruit and government agencies such as Labor and Industries are addressed."