I wasn’t sure what to expect when I arrived at Moonshot for the “Decorate Your Own Elf Ears” class with Erin O’ Brien from Something Twisted This Way Comes. But once we sat down, she explained to our group the materials she had, and gave us each a reference sheet filled with lots of different ideas. The uncertainty melted into excitement as she laid out all the wire, gems, beads, and tools. She then let us know we could all get a drink too, included with the class!

On the left is the pair I made; on the right is the table with all the crafting supplies laid out.
I was very relieved to start off with a base set of ears, which fit perfectly on my ears from the start. We all got our own sets of tools, and she demonstrated how we could attach different elements to our ears. The class was open and freeform, but I still felt very supported by Erin. She was sure to let us know at any point that we could ask for help, and she’d be there either to show us how to do something, or if we needed it, do a step for us.
What stood out to me the most about Erin was how accommodating and patient she was. We were open to talk (or not talk) whenever it felt right, and we were all able to go at our own pace. I felt like I could really be myself at her class; it was a truly safe space to create and have fun doing it. She was open and friendly, and made it easy to relax and dial in on our creative sides.
During our conversations, Erin mentioned the other classes she does, all at different skill levels, and some more structured classes. I’m interested in seeing more from Something Twisted, and everyone in the class was excited to go to another one! It was a fantastic experience; I had a lot of fun learning a new skill and left with some beautiful wearable art!

Erin O’Brien is a mobile wire wrapping artist and teacher based in Richland, Washington. She has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Geology from Central Washington University, where she also minored in studio art with a specialization in jewelry smithing. She sells her art and jewelry at local craft fairs, as well as teaching classes at local small businesses. To learn more or sign up for classes, follow Something Twisted This Way Comes on Facebook: SomethingTwistedTWC and Instagram: @SomethingTwistedTWC. Erin is available for private classes.
You can also find Erin’s work at various boutiques in the Tri-Cities: Atomic Alchemy, Livin’ the Dream, Positive Vibes @ CRW, and Whimsy Apothecary.