Illustrations by Liam Bray
It is once again time for a pick-a-card reading! I hope you all are doing well as the seasons of introspection continue. For the theme of this reading I asked the cards to choose again, and the cards chose the Emperor. This card asks us to reflect on our leadership qualities, to develop them in a balanced way, and to tend to our responsibilities. As a theme and question, I now ask the cards; “what do we need to do in order to step into our potential as leaders of our own lives?”
To participate in this pick-a-card reading, you will need to intuitively select which message is meant for you. This can be done by rolling some dice until you get a number that corresponds to a card (numbers 1-3), closing your eyes and letting your fingers settle on the right section, meditate on it, see which images you are drawn to, or just randomly choose and see what happens! You can also have multiple messages, and some feel as if they should read the whole thing and combine messages. Whatever works for you is what works for the reading. Don’t forget to journal or reflect on things later, as the reading is just the beginning of the message.

Those who were drawn to this message received the Ace of Pentacles. Pentacles rule tangible things in life. These tangible things are our careers, home, body, routine, and what we do with our time. As an Ace, this card also represents new beginnings, potential, and getting things started.This card tells you that the things you want in life want you back and you have available routes to your destination that you may choose to take. This card appeared in the upright position, so any blockages you experienced in the past may also be lifted soon. All you need to do at this stage is say yes to opportunities as they present themselves and make sure that you aren’t holding yourself back out of fear of the changes these new opportunities bring. Surrender your comfort zone, and take the first steps! For this card, it doesn’t need to be a big gesture or huge shift right away. It doesn’t matter if you know where things are going or not, you just need to get started.

If you found yourself pulled towards the second card, your message this month comes from the Knight of Swords. Knights represent gaining mastery through experience, charging ahead with momentum from their previous stage and towards more skills. Knights are not perfect and still have much to learn, but they are no longer brand new students, and therefore have the ability to take charge more often than they give themselves credit for.
You are no longer at the beginning stages, and have gained far more experience than you know. It is time for you to step out of your comfort zone even further and see where you need to take the training wheels off. The rest of the lessons you need to learn can only be found by throwing yourself into things and taking a more involved approach. An example of this would be a person who has studied a new skill through books and informational videos very thoroughly, but they need to put in more physical practice now, without worrying about doing everything right. Throw away perfectionist tendencies and trust that what you know now is enough, you are ready!

The card for this third message is the Five of Pentacles in the reversed position. If you received this card, life has not been easy on you lately. This card typically refers to a period in our lives where we are left wanting and needing a lot more resources than we are given. However, when it is reversed, as it is in this reading, it can actually indicate a shift in this imbalance that is about to happen. Relief is on the way. It may not arrive as expected, but there will be some support to help you carry your burdens. This is a time for you to recover, be open to help, and restore your energy. You cannot charge ahead if you have no fuel left in you, so this month is about prioritizing your self-care. Remember, it is not taking a break from your goals in order to take care of yourself, taking care of yourself is a key part of reaching those goals. Those who get this card may be prone to having a difficult time putting effort towards themselves, so while this may be a challenge, it is a very important one to face.
Jae Melland is a tarot, palm, and rune reader serving the Tri-Cities. You can schedule a reading with Jae by visiting or by going to her walk-in readings at Luna Apothecary in Pasco. Instagram: @seidr_whispers