I hate when
You don’t fit
The way I want you to

I think of
The pressure
The pain I put you through

How I’ve made
Empty promises
Left you in the cold

Get tired
And angry
When you feel so old

I abuse you
And use you
But you’re still here

I feel you
I see you
Looking back in the mirror

Despite my
Lack of effort
You still greet me every morning

My heart still beats
My body keeps going
After years of poisoning

I carelessly
Trash talk you
Say you’re disgusting

You still show up
You must really love me

You send me reminders
Like, “Hey, slow down.
It’s time to change…

…I don’t have a
return policy.
I can’t be exchanged!”

But I’m stubborn
And lack discipline
You needed to scream

And now
I’m struggling
Having forced you to extreme

Our dynamic
And I’m the guilty party

For the neglect
The mistreatment
I am so sorry

I never considered
The storm I’ve brewed
For you weather

Please hear me
When I say
I’ll treat you better

The abuse
You’ve endure
Is criminal

But you are
And beautiful

I know you
Don’t want
One more empty promise

Here’s some ways
I’ll show you
This is just the short list

I’ll caress you
Oh so gently
When I lotion you up

Dress you fancy
So when you arrive
You hold your head up

I’ll stretch you
And move you
Keep you hydrated

I’ll free you
From shame
Make you liberated

I’ll say thank you
For supporting me in
Every way

I’ll focus on
How you help me
Instead of what you weigh

It’s time
That you thrive
Not merely exist.

I finally see
That you’re an
Incredible gift.

I’ll look at you
With fresh eyes
Like you’re brand new

You’re my most
Precious investment
Your dividends are huge

I’ll nourish you
Prepare for you
Just like you deserve

I’ll adore you
Every curve

Massage you
And honor
Every bone

You’re the head
of my table
Upon a throne

Nourish your skin
And fight
for your health

Not until
you are thriving
Will I have true wealth

I’ll speak of you
In gentle kind words

When you
Tell me your needs
You will be heard

Even with
All your wrinkles
and every fold.

You are
the temple
for my soul.

Megan Cook is an entrepreneur, writer, and activator in empowering people to become more than they thought was possible. Join me at www.withmegancook.com

Photo by Isco