When science fiction invaded Christmas “The invasion of science fiction toys successfully conquered the world in the 1950s and 1960s.”
Attention Hanford history buffs! "This book has been unavailable in the used market for about 10 to 20 years."
Werewolf, there wolf? "In fiction and film, humans that transformed into werewolves typically no longer had human control, and became predatory animals."
Movie posters: Beloved collectibles "Movie posters are an integral part of the memory of many movies."
The Necronomicon and the mysterious John Dee "So, who is John Dee and what does he have to do with The Necronomicon?"
Patricia Briggs' unique blend of suburban noir and fantasy Patricia Briggs has book signings tonight and tomorrow!
Robert Jordan: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long "However, Jordan was more than just an author."
Publishing evolution: From chapbooks to hardbacks "At first, science fiction, fantasy, and horror authors could only find small publishers to publish their work in hardback."
Do androids dream of Philip K. Dick?? "The definition of reality... seems to be one of the questions that flows through PKD’s writing."
60s Sleaze "The ‘sleaze’ paperback of the 1960s transitioned from the Victorian attitude of obscenity to more of a contemporary attitude regarding topics such as sex and violence."
Pulp fiction “Most people today are unfamiliar with pulps, although they were the early promoters of American popular fiction.”
Margaret Brundage: 'Queen of the Pulps' “Most people are probably unfamiliar with Margaret Brundage who was ‘Queen of the Pulps’ and the first woman science fiction, fantasy, and horror illustrator, starting way back in the 1930s.”
The Birth of Robots "One of the things that has interested me most is the significant contribution of the concept of robots in science fiction.”
Arkham… home of the Cthulhu Mythos and other weird fiction “It [Arkham House] is an example of a small publishing company that had a mission to preserve a genre of literature and succeeded.”