In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the City Council?
The city council members are responsible for representing voters’ interests in setting the guiding vision for the city, creating and revising policies and ordinances, selecting commission members, hiring the city manager, and approving contracts and the city’s budget. They represent the voters’ voices in a larger view of the city’s future, while the city manager directs the administration of city business and details that build towards the vision.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
I believe that it’s important for Richland to address affordable housing for different housing needs, implement traffic calming measures for safer streets, and increase representation of our diverse community. I intend to reach out to local community experts and stakeholders to develop solutions, engage and listen to community input, and encourage community involvement and dialog that welcome different perspectives on commissions and committees.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
I have experience in writing, revising, and implementing Conflict of Interest and Codes of Conduct policies for nonprofit organizations. I recuse myself from votes where the decision may appear to benefit me, my family, my friends, or an organization I am working with. While involvement in a decision may follow the letter of the law, it’s important that community can have faith in the ethics of their representatives to follow the spirit of the law as well. I expect that my fellow representatives also follow state law regarding ethical behavior and will advocate that they do so.
A: Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.
B: Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision

Echo chambers are dangerous places for a representative to be. We have a responsibility to represent everyone in our community to the best of our ability. Different opinions will often give insight not previously considered, developing into more effective solutions.
A: The city has a role to play in cost of living and affordable housing.
B: Cost of living and housing affordability should be left solely to the market.

City policies can influence fees, zoning, and policy decisions that have a direct impact on the cost of housing. Left solely to the market, housing costs spiral out of control, historically creating a “bubble” that eventually pops and causes greater harm to local economies.
A: The City Council should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.
B: The City Council should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

The private sector has a place in supporting local culture, but the city council’s support and investment makes a statement about the importance of local culture to the greater community. Investing in culture attracts private sector investments.
A: We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.
B: We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it’s critical to our local economy.

Richland has limited room to grow at this point. It’s important to guide that growth in a healthy manner that’s sustainable for future economic development. Guidance can be done with little impact to short-term economic growth.
A: The City Council is doing a good job of being transparent.
B: The City Council should do a much better job of being transparent.

Much of the city council’s decisions end up on the consent agenda with little discussion. With an agenda packet that often reaches over 400 pages, there’s questions from the community as to whether the city council is deeply considering the decisions they’re voting on.
The City Council has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

We are a diverse community. The role that the city council plays in setting the city’s vision statement and strategic plan determines whether we are also a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable community.

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the City Council?
The City Council is the local legislative body that oversees the budget, establishes ordinances and resolutions, gives direction to the City Manager, and the is liaison to various city advisory roles.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
Three areas that I enjoy championing and would like to continue the work ahead:
- Economic Development, Richland is on the cusp of several exciting growth opportunities;
- Encouraging Home Ownership in Richardson across the spectrum
- Support our first responders as they protect Richland’s quality of life
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
Under City policy a City Council member is required to recuse themselves when there is a conflict of interest. If there is an ethical challenge presented, the City Attorney and Council will address on a case by case basis.
A: Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.
B: Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision.

Citizens should elect me because of my experience and that I listen to all sides before making a decision.
A: The city has a role to play in cost of living and affordable housing.
B: Cost of living and housing affordability should be left solely to the market.

The budget is under a lot of pressure to maintain our current expectations and needs. The wish list is much larger than our current capacity.
A: The City Council should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.
B: The City Council should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

The reality is both work together.
A: We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.
B: We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it’s critical to our local economy.

Reality is somewhere between these two statements above.
A: The City Council is doing a good job of being transparent.
B: The City Council should do a much better job of being transparent.

All the City Council meetings are open to the public and recorded. Everything we do is very transparent.
The City Council has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

I have found that all the City Council members treat everyone with kindness and respect.

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the City Council?
The City Council is responsible for setting the budget, identifying legislative priorities, and helping to work with updating the city codes and ordinances as necessary to meet the City’s strategic visions. This is done with the assistance of the City Manager and Department Heads such as the Chief of Police and Director of Public Works who actually handle the running of the City on day to day basis.
For next year, the cities budget is increasing by 8% so, setting the budget is less painful. In leaner years it is the responsibility of the Council to communicate with the citizens to help set priorities
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
I believe the three most important opportunities we can address in my term would be: ensuring Richland is a safe place to live, addressing homelessness and trying to keep housing affordable. What is convenient is that these issues all overlap in some manner, and I believe that community support is already strong behind these issues.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
During my 5 years of experience serving on the Code Enforcement Board I demonstrated the ability to be objective and make rulings based on the evidence presented and not my own opinions. As conflicts of interest are about perception, each meeting started with a disclaimer that if a respondent felt a board member was biased towards them, please speak up.
I can not foresee any situations where I would have a conflict of interest, but if an issue involving family members or close friends did show up on the agenda, I think I would have the strength of character to abstain from participation on that issue.
A: Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.
B: Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision.

We live in a society that is becoming increasingly split along ideological lines and even admiting there are two sides to certain issues cam get you labeled wishy-washy. I prefer to think of myself as open-minded, and admit that I am not an expert on all subjects. My job as a council member is to seek understanding on those issues and to give all citizens a chance to feel heard.
A: The city has a role to play in cost of living and affordable housing.
B: Cost of living and housing affordability should be left solely to the market.

The city has several roles to play on this topic. Directly, the city imposes a Traffic Impact Fee on new developments to cover the expense of installing roads and other services. These fees are then passed on the new home buyers. Indirectly, the city is responsible for the zoning that controls what sort of developments can be constructed. We have the ability to modify that zoning to allow for more affordable housing to be built.
A: The City Council should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.
B: The City Council should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

I believe that the city should be a partner with the private sector in this issue. Let the private sector take the lead, and when a viable opportunity presents itself, be willing to work with local arts groups to help fund improvements. There are tax allocations and grants that can be applied to projects to that will help increase tourism that can be utilized in this manner without increasing the individual tax load on residents.
A: We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.
B: We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it’s critical to our local economy.

I strongly believe in protecting our local natural areas like Amon Basin and Chamna Preserve. I believe we can control suburban sprawl without needing to effect short-term growth at all. As stated earlier, we can change our zoning to think vertically, or higher density housing. In addition, there is a lot of land available north of Richland. While I know the long-term plan calls for most of that property to dedicated to industrial uses, we can evaluate changing some to residential uses.
A: The City Council is doing a good job of being transparent.
B: The City Council should do a much better job of being transparent.

At my job, all personnel are required to annually file a Conflict of Interest report with our legal department, which allows the legal department to determine if a conflict of interest exists. I do not see that the City has anything like this in effect. There are sections of the City Code the address ethics and conflict of interest, but that leaves it entirely up to the council member themselves to disclose certain involvements.
The City Council has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

I agree. One thing I would like to see is more cooperation between our different localities. Our region has a population of roughly 250,000 people, but we continue to function as separate towns, and that kind of has us fractured at a cultural level. While I do see some example of non-profit organizations functioning regionally, if our local governments have difficulty working for regional opportunities, it is difficult for individual people to see across those same lines.

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the City Council?
City council members are responsible for making and passing local laws, overseeing the city’s budget, representing their constituents, and addressing community issues.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
I believe that three crucial opportunities for a city councilperson are:
- Infrastructure Improvement: Invest in upgrading roads, public transportation, and utilities for a more livable city.
- Public Safety: Support effective policing and community safety measures.
- Economic Growth: Promote local businesses and job creation.
To earn community support I plan to:
- Engage in active, transparent communication.
- Collaborate with local leaders
and organizations. - Prioritize constituent needs and follow through on promises.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
- Transparent Disclosure: Disclose any potential conflicts promptly and publicly.
- Recusal: Abstain from voting or decision-making when conflicts arise.
- Ethics Training: Participate in ethics training to ensure awareness and compliance.
- Seek Legal Guidance: Consult with legal experts to navigate complex ethical situations.
- Uphold Integrity: Prioritize the best interests of the community over personal gain or interests.
- Accountability: Be accountable to constituents and demonstrate a commitment to ethical conduct throughout my term.
A: Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.
B: Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision.

Seeking diverse opinions as a council member is vital for better decisions that represent all constituents, foster innovation, build trust, mitigate bias, and ensure fairness. It strengthens your role as a community representative and leads to more equitable policies.
A: The city has a role to play in cost of living and affordable housing.
B: Cost of living and housing affordability should be left solely to the market.

I believe the city plays a significant role in the cost of living and affordable housing through policies, zoning regulations, and investment in housing initiatives. These efforts can directly impact residents’ access to affordable homes and their overall cost of living.
A: The City Council should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.
B: The City Council should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

City Council should strike a balance. While private sector partnerships can be valuable, funding major capital projects to enhance local culture is vital for preserving and promoting community identity, ensuring cultural vibrancy, and addressing public interest beyond profit-driven motives.
A: We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.
B: We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it’s critical to our local economy.

Balancing suburban sprawl control with economic growth is key. Responsible planning can preserve long-term quality of life and environment while still fostering economic development through smart zoning, infrastructure investment, and sustainable growth policies.
A: The City Council is doing a good job of being transparent.
B: The City Council should do a much better job of being transparent.

The City Council has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

Our City Council has a crucial role in fostering a welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable region. We can enact policies, allocate resources, and promote initiatives that support these principles, contributing to a fair and harmonious community.

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the City Council?
Richland’s City Council is responsible for policies, budgeting, ordnances, and contracts. In addition, the City Council is responsible for hiring the City Manager and appointing members of boards and commissions. The City Councilmembers are the representatives of the people of Richland for the purposes of governing the city.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
My priorities for time on the Council would be encouraging access to housing, removing outdated junk from the city code, and simplifying things like parking minimums. Making sure that Richland’s diversity of housing serves the community, so that people who want a suburban lifestyle and people who want to live in denser housing, will be key to making sure that we can come up with zoning changes that the community can get behind.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
Any elected official facing a conflict of interest should recuse themselves from decision-making powers regarding that topic. It is not sufficient for an elected official to make that determination themselves. For this reason, an ethics committee working with advice from the city attorney is critical to maintaining an open, transparent government that people can trust.
A: Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.
B: Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision.

We have a lot of choices, if we’re looking for people who made up their minds in the 1970s and haven’t looked back. I’d like to be a councilmember people can reach, talk to, and feel confident they were heard.
A: The city has a role to play in cost of living and affordable housing.
B: Cost of living and housing affordability should be left solely to the market.

It is not possible to leave housing development solely to the market, and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is wrong. The very establishment of a City interferes with a housing market. Zoning laws and building codes interfere with the housing market. Managing them correctly is what makes the difference between a healthy city where everyone can live and a blighted series of crises.
A: The City Council should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.
B: The City Council should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

I believe that major infrastructure for cultural development is best served by public-private partnerships. The City should work with arts foundations comprising representatives from the private sector.
A: We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.
B: We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it’s critical to our local economy.

Richland doesn’t have enough housing. Controlling suburban sprawl isn’t a major concern in the middle of a housing shortage, but this mythical ‘free market’ isn’t going to save everyone either. Richland needs a carefully considered, consistent zoning policy to ensure that people who want to live in suburbs can, while denser housing is available to those who seek it.
A: The City Council is doing a good job of being transparent.
B: The City Council should do a much better job of being transparent.

Off-the-books “pre-meetings” need to go. Lengthy executive sessions need to be constantly evaluated to be sure they’re used sparingly. An ethics committee should be formed to see that these changes are pursued.
The City Council has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

Any person made to feel unwelcome by the City is a missed opportunity for our local businesses, our neighborhoods, and our city.

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the City Council?
Members of the City Council are elected to make decisions on behalf of those they serve, for the good of the city and its people. Through budgeting, resolutions, ordinances, and appointments the City Council (hopefully) meets the needs of its citizens.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
This is by no means a comprehensive or well-structured list, but: 1.) housing affordability; 2.) community/mental health; 3.) common spaces (including the river). As for earning community support, these opportunities are broadly recognized; these aren’t opportunities that I was the first to discover, and I suspect there’s an amazing amount of active (and latent) support that this community is eager to put behind the right causes, given reciprocated support. In terms of earning support, I plan to be honest and open.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
Potential conflicts of interest should be declared and evaluated. To me, it is unethical to seek personal gain at the expense of others. With an Ethics Board, there might be a process to follow or advice to seek; even without one, I expect a similar level of understanding of all
elected officials.
A: Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.
B: Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision.

I’ve put a lot of time into honing judgement and beliefs through experience, but there are certainly things that I don’t know that I don’t know. Only by involving the most perspectives possible can we begin to fit everyone.
A: The city has a role to play in cost of living and affordable housing.
B: Cost of living and housing affordability should be left solely to the market.

If the market has gotten us here (and we can discuss how), it doesn’t seem like the market is something we should rely on to fix itself. Some things aren’t handled well by markets. I understand we haven’t seen a great form yet, but I believe a non-market solution to the essentials of life is worth considering.
A: The City Council should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.
B: The City Council should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

The private sector looks like the only option if the public sector is murdered. Some things need to be collectively held instead of being held in private.
A: We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.
B: We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it’s critical to our local economy.

Economic growth is a fantasy. Are your people housed and fed? Is your planet healthy?
A: The City Council is doing a good job of being transparent.
B: The City Council should do a much better job of being transparent.

They say they are, and there are many visible parts of their process; it’s likely better than ever. But what strikes me about transparency is that it’s still a barrier — more than being able to see what’s happening, people need to be able to be involved.
The City Council has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

Of course. The City Council helps set the tone of our community. Who we choose to represent us says a lot about who we are.

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the City Council?
To work collaboratively with each other and city staff to form and adopt policies which benefit the city’s citizens. This includes adopting strategic goals, budget prioritization, identifying future challenges and finding solutions, and keeping an open ear to the concerns of their constituents.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
The industrial development of new nuclear power production, cooperation and coordination between different levels and jurisdictions of government, and the revitalization of central Richland. The first two work hand in hand. We will need to coordinate State and Federal permitting and funding to bring more nuclear power production to Richland to advance a green future with reliable energy.
Revitalization of Central and North Richland will require proactive communication with developers and property owners, and possibly new zoning. This needs to happen without sacrificing Richland’s unique character.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
I would recuse myself of any involvement according to City and State law.
A: Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.
B: Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision.

One always benefits from having a multitude of perspectives by which to see an issue. In this way, one gains a better understanding of it. Ultimately, though, those decisions must be made through the lens of one’s guiding principals.
A: The city has a role to play in cost of living and affordable housing.
B: Cost of living and housing affordability should be left solely to the market.

There is only so much the City can do on the cost of living and affordable housing. We should do what we can to increase the availability of housing to reduce prices, but ultimately the powers of the federal government, and the market itself, are impossible to overcome entirely.
A: The City Council should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.
B: The City Council should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

Anything private citizens wish to build on their own for the furtherance of culture and beauty in the area are welcomed, but the role should not rest solely on their shoulders. The City can, and has, done much to enhance the character of the city.
A: We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.
B: We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it’s critical to our local economy.

City sprawl is being controlled by the landscape and established county communities which do not wish to be incorporated. We do need to make sure we do not produce islands of communities which have unacceptable response times from city services like police and fire.
A: The City Council is doing a good job of being transparent.
B: The City Council should do a much better job of being transparent.

The City Council has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

Allison Ball
Jhoanna R. Jones
D. Shayne VanDyke

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the Port Commissioners?
Port Commissioners help set policy by reviewing budgets and helping to ensure the Port is a good fiscal steward of the taxpayers’ dollars. They also partner with the executive director to set goals to support economic development especially for small businesses and provide
transparency to the public.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
First, we need to support small businesses again. From Prossers’ Vintners Village to downtown Benton city to providing the Richland community businesses a chance to thrive, these companies are integral to providing high quality jobs outside of Hanford. Second, railroad investments are instrumental to providing our port district high speed and safer transportation. We need to continue this investment. Finally, we’ll utilize Port assets to their full capabilities, putting underutilized buildings to work. We need to get back to the standards when we won Port of the Year by engaging and serving the port district.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
I am running for this position because I care deeply for the port and the people it represents. The betterment of the port’s constituents and the port is always the most important and will be at the forefront of any decisions I make. I have decades of experience in port leadership demonstrating my high level of ethics and how I’ve put the community and port first before any personal interest. I am excited to bring this level of integrity and service to the port again.
A: Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.
B: Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision.

While I will always seek out and listen to others’ opinion and learn from those different perspectives, my experience and knowledge of the Port is what makes me qualified for this position
A: Ports have a duty to work with other local governments and communities to balance transportation logistics for commerce.
B: Ports have a duty to prioritize transportation logistics for commerce even where it may negatively impact other local governments and communities.

A: Ports should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.
B: Ports should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

A: We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.
B: We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it’s critical to our local economy.

A: The port is doing a good job of being transparent.
B: The port should do a much better job of being transparent.

The Port Commission has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the Port Commissioners?
Port Commissioners directly responsible for Port policy, budget, strategy and supervision of the Executive Director. As the incumbent who has served as President the last two years, I am uniquely positioned to champion provide informed and connected leadership. For me, it is vital that I listen to our community and lead with conviction to ensure decisions and actions reflect its collective values. I have volunteered in our community for over 40 years, as a Rotarian I truly believe in service above self; and leading by example is my legacy for family and community.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
The improvement of our rail, establish an Inland Port to ensure our ag partners’ products competitively get to domestic and global markets. Advocate to establish our region as the supply chain for advanced manufacturing and new nuclear. These efforts will grow small business and industry to supply family wage jobs to our region. Providing fiscally conservative leadership will ensure fairness for all Port assets longevity and future growth. I intend to build community support by being a transparent, transformational and leader for all of our community.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
First and foremost to any conflict I bring active listening, an open mind, a willingness to learn and understand. It’s been my experience that when you listen and learn you can overcome any conflict of interest or ethical challenge by finding the right path forward. It may not be the path more traveled, but you can find a way forward. It may require inviting more minds to help solve the issue. More minds better solve problems.
A: Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.
B: Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision.

I am inherently a learner who embraces different perspectives. I can always grow and learn.
A: Ports have a duty to work with other local governments and communities to balance transportation logistics for commerce.
B: Ports have a duty to prioritize transportation logistics for commerce even where it may negatively impact other local governments and communities.

Ports are collaborators in our community. We work to be a part of a greater plan in our region planned and agreed upon by all entities. WE are BETTER together!
A: Ports should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.
B: Ports should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

The assets of the Port are the taxpayers. The Port uses the tax money collected on capital Port projects to maintain and improve the taxpayers assets. We support the vibrancy of our local culture by being fiscally responsible which has set us up to lower tax payer rates while addressing our rail, airports and facilities to create enduring investments not just for a few special interests but for our entire community.
A: We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.
B: We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it’s critical to our local economy.

Collaborative planning is imperative to the success of any community in development of economic diversity, culture and climate and it’s future.
A: The port is doing a good job of being transparent.
B: The port should do a much better job of being transparent.

The Port Commission has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.


In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the school board?
The school board is responsible for overseeing the superintendent. This includes evaluating performance and, if applicable, hiring a new superintendent. The school board also approves budget items and curriculum. A common misconception is that the school board chooses the curriculum, but the instructional materials committee is responsible for selecting curriculum and then bringing it to the board for approval.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
- A dual language program in Richland. I would plan to earn community support with research showing the long-term benefits of dual language programs and conducting a survey a gauge interest.
- Expanding the Early Learning Center. Currently only half of incoming kindergarteners pass the readiness assessment. To earn support, I would show the cost of the expanding.
- I would like to increase the number of teachers to reduce classroom sizes. There is research showing how smaller class sizes help students learn and this is especially important when addressing learning loss from Covid.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
As an elected official I will take an oath of office. If any ethical challenges arose for which I was unclear on the correct course of action I would consult with the RSD lawyer. Conflicts of interest, in my experience are fairly easy to avoid but if any gray areas came up then I would clearly communicate the potential conflict with the other board members and, if necessary, recuse myself from weighing in on that topic. My goal is to follow the law and be an ethical school board director.
A: Our district is underfunded for the needs of our operations, maintenance, and/or capital improvements.
B: Funding in our school district is adequate for operations, maintenance, and/or capital improvements.

We are due for a new bond, which will likely need to support a new high school and will be a fairly large cost. Our community has historically been very good about supporting our schools through bonds and levies.
A: Raises for teachers should be through cost of living adjustments or the annual step increases built into the salary schedules.
B: Teachers in our district are under-compensated and should be a higher budget priority than they are currently.

I think teachers are incredibly important and have a unique opportunity to impact the lives of our youth. Teachers starting salary with a BA is 62K and with a MA degree is 74k. They are contracted to work 1350 hours per year. I think these are reasonable hourly rates. The raises associated with years of experience are on par with other industries.
A: We should prioritize protecting students from encountering perspectives that may be harmful to them.
B: We should prioritize making all educational materials available to students.

Public education is meant for all students and we should consider the different perspectives of families in the district as well as the different perspectives that students will encounter in the world.
A: The school board is doing a good job of seeking input from parents and involving them in in decision-making.
B: The school board should do a much better job of seeking input from parents and involving them in in decision-making.

The board does a good job communicating with parents what is on the agenda and providing opportunities for parent input. The most recent example would be the SEL curriculum where the community had the ability to see and learn more about the curriculum before it was voted on by the board. As a parent in RSD I received emails about the days and times available to view the curriculum. There is also time for public comments at the board meetings.
A: The school board is doing a good job of seeking input from educators and involving them in in decision-making.
B: The school board should do a much better job of seeking input from educators and involving them in in decision-making.

I am not familiar with how well the board is doing in this area. Since the board works directly with the superintendent, I believe it would come down to whether or not the superintendent is seeking input and if their opinion is representative of educators in general.
The school board has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

Strongly agree. Public education is for all students and students learn best when they feel welcomed and included.
My personal beliefs, specifically the belief that public education has a huge role in providing opportunities for all students, will definitely affect my decision making. My political leanings will have little to no impact on my decision making since this is a nonpartisan position and prioritizing the success of our students should be a nonpartisan issue.

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the school board?
The responsibilities of the school board are to 1) hire, supervise and evaluate the superintendent, 2) set the vision, mission, and strategic goals for the district, and 3) review, revise and adopt policies. Not explicitly stated but implied is providing oversight of the budgets and fiscal resources to ensure that taxpayer funds are used in the most effective and efficient means possible, within discretionary boundaries. I think the board should represent the values and priorities of students, parents, and the community in decisions that impact the quality of our kids’ education and their educational experience.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
First is meeting the needs of all our students, including special education, and providing options for students who require more innovative learning environments. We must improve our academic performance and overcome the learning loss from COVID. Second is safety, both physical safety and the mental health of our students and staff. We need to focus on immediate issues of bullying and staff retention and recruitment. Third is improving communication and collaboration. Collaboration between the board, district admin, staff and community is key to identify common goals and workable solutions.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
I would follow the rule of law as dictated by state and federal policies as well as the policies of the Richland School District, which outline ethical expectations and conflicts of interest. I would recuse myself in the event of any personal conflicts that might arise, and I would not push personal agendas. I would follow the vows made in the Oath of Office.
A: Our district is underfunded for the needs of our operations, maintenance, and/or capital improvements.
B: Funding in our school district is adequate for operations, maintenance, and/or capital improvements.

State funding is insufficient to cover all of the state mandated services that the school district is expected to provide.
A: Raises for teachers should be through cost of living adjustments or the annual step increases built into the salary schedules.
B: Teachers in our district are under-compensated and should be a higher budget priority than they are currently.

I believe that all teachers in our country are under-compensated compared to industry standards for professional careers with similar educational expectations. That said, our current teacher salaries are well aligned with those in other parts of the state so we can’t make drastic increases locally without additional state funding. I would advocate for additional state funding for all of our district provided services.
A: We should prioritize protecting students from encountering perspectives that may be harmful to them.
B: We should prioritize making all educational materials available to students.

I believe that our educational materials and curricula should be age appropriate and fact-based. I also believe that parents have the right to review and opt out of any materials that they deem inappropriate for their children. However, I do not believe in broad banning books or controversial topics to satisfy a few at the expense of the many.
A: The school board is doing a good job of seeking input from parents and involving them in in decision-making.
B: The school board should do a much better job of seeking input from parents and involving them in in decision-making.

There is a general lack of transparency about priorities that drive decision-making and how the district and the board use community input to drive priorities.
A: The school board is doing a good job of seeking input from educators and involving them in in decision-making.
B: The school board should do a much better job of seeking input from educators and involving them in in decision-making.

The school board has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

Inclusion is a critical factor in student mental health, which is even worse than before COVID. The board should be holding the district accountable to their own policies and the effectiveness of their existing procedures that support diversity, equity and inclusion.

In your own words, what are the responsibilities of members of the school board?
School board members are responsible for the hiring and evaluating the superintendent, who acts as the Chief executive officer. Setting and overseeing the mission and vision of the district and ensuring that the values of the community are represented in programs offered by the school district. This comes with a bit of a caveat as there is only certain funding the district receives that is discretional. Much of the funding received by the district has to be used only on specific programs. That is why local levy dollars are so important to the community.
What do you believe are the three most important opportunities your position can champion during your term, and how do you intend to earn community support?
Focus on issues our community can agree on. Student safety, highly skilled teachers, academic success, fiscal responsibility and transparency.
Legislative issues related to school funding. Ensuring both state and federal dollars are adequate to provide the services ALL students need. With special emphasis on special education as this is dramatically underfunded.
Outside the box thinking. Our students are not what they were 5 years ago. We need to ensure our instruction is engaging and that we are meeting the students where they are and providing opportunities to ensure their success after graduation.
How will you handle conflicts of interest and ethical challenges that may arise while serving as an elected official?
I am cognizant about each of the above issues. If I ever feel there is any chance of a possible conflict of interest I abstain from my vote. Ethics and integrity are a foundation to my decision making. Generally, conversation and full understanding can resolve many issues.
A: Our district is underfunded for the needs of our operations, maintenance, and/or capital improvements.
B: Funding in our school district is adequate for operations, maintenance, and/or capital improvements.

State funding is inadequate in many areas, and this area is not an exception. A well-run district relies on operations and maintenance at the heart of their operation. In addition, capital projects provide facilities to ensure students have the right environment for learning and teachers have an atmosphere with the tools they need to do their jobs.
A: Raises for teachers should be through cost of living adjustments or the annual step increases built into the salary schedules.
B: Teachers in our district are under-compensated and should be a higher budget priority than they are currently.

Teachers just like any professional should be compensated for the job they do. I am proud that Richland School District values our teachers and provides a completive salary. We expect a lot from our staff, and they should be compensated. I do believe that we need to hold them accountable. The rubric for accountability can be challenging as we are not dealing with widgets or numbers, we are dealing with humans, who each have their own story and learning style.
A: We should prioritize protecting students from encountering perspectives that may be harmful to them.
B: We should prioritize making all educational materials available to students.

This is a question that I believe falls solely on the parent/guardian. I do not feel it is my job to determine what each family deems harmful to their student. I know what that looks like for my family but not others. I am a stanch advocate for parental control and involvement. The opt out option allows parents the authority to choose what is best for their family. Public education is just that, public. Each family needs to make the decisions that are best for them.
A: The school board is doing a good job of seeking input from parents and involving them in in decision-making.
B: The school board should do a much better job of seeking input from parents and involving them in in decision-making.

Parental involvement in essential for student success and I encourage every parent to take an active role in their child’s education. Research shows that parental involvement has a direct relationship to their child’s academic and school success. The district can do better at encouraging this involvement an ensuring parents/guardians are heard. The parental/guardian advisory is a start, but I believe adding a quarterly board round table would give more voice and provide opportunity for engagement.
A: The school board is doing a good job of seeking input from educators and involving them in in decision-making.
B: The school board should do a much better job of seeking input from educators and involving them in in decision-making.

Since they are the professionals and the ones with their boots on the ground it is imperative to listen to their concerns and ideas. This does not dilute the voice of parents/guardians or constituents but should be used in tandem. It is important all voices are heard to ensure we are doing what is best for ALL students and our community.
The school board has a role to play in leading our region to be more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

Lead by example. We need to accept students where they are. Ensuring they feel appreciated, welcome and capable. I will always fight for EVERY student, but not at the expense of another student. We need to set policies that promote equity for ALL students. We live in a very diverse community. Learning from each other and embracing our differences is important. We are preparing our students to go out into the world. We need to give them the opportunity to understand and see our differences.
Our society is unfortunately quite politically charged right now, many decisions that may not have been seen as political a few years ago are seen as political now. My main focus is ensuring ALL students have what they need to success but not at the expense of any other student. Washington state has many laws that school directors are obligated uphold. In my experience, I have seen this cause some division in our community; communication is key.
Nino Kapitula
Kari Williams
Gene Nemeth