WORDACLE: Your Wordle Oracle

Hello! It’s me, your Wordle Oracle, here to interpret your Wordle games.

This month’s reading is for Kaelan in Pasco, who writes:

“Wordacle, I’m worried about what’s happening in this country! Please help.”

Hi, Kaelan. I understand your concerns. I’ll see what this puzzle says about you.

We all have voting on our minds, so I’m not surprised that you started with VOTES.

The next guess tells me that you go against the grain a bit, and aren't afraid of an unconventional move. The SPEAR represents your drive to continue forward, regardless of the difficulties in your path.

I hope you take no offense to this, but I suspect that your third guess, SPEIL, was meant to be “spiel”— a word that immediately makes me think of politicians’ speeches. With this “ei” spelling, however, the word actually means “to climb” something. Let’s consider this a happy accident, and continue on with the metaphor of moving forward and overcoming obstacles. 

SPEND is sadly the most relatable word in your puzzle. I know it sometimes feels like you’re perpetually trying to catch up. But I’ll challenge you to mindfully spend your resources and your time on things that matter to you. If you find yourself spending hours scrolling through videos, think about what you could do with those hours that would bring you joy (or at least contentment). And if you have the resources available, even putting a dollar or two towards a good cause can help. It all adds up.

You stuck with the SPE, Kaelan, and it paid off. You got to SPECK with one guess to spare! I’ll conclude the reading by reiterating that every little thing you do can make a difference. Even a drop in the bucket helps fill that bucket. Like Horton said when he saved the people on a speck of dust: “A person's a person, no matter how small!”

Allusia Lexana is a word-weaving oracle who helps wordlers discover their inner motivations and deeper truths.

Do you want a Wordle reading? Email wordacle@gmail.com.