Tarot Time: Homework

Happy September! This year is going by incredibly fast, I hope you are ready for a tarot pick-a-card reading to get yourself prepared for this next seasonal transition coming up. The theme of this reading is “what homework do I need to be doing?”As always, take a few deep breaths and center your mind. When you feel ready, ask yourself to be drawn to the message that is right for you. You can read the whole thing, see what section your eyes drift to, or go with the corresponding image that catches your eye. Whatever method feels right to you, it should bring you to the message you are meant to read. This is just the beginning, so I included suggested “do’s and don’ts” with each card to help you take the message and make it a more personal experience for self exploration and growth. The rest is up to you!

Illustration by Liam Bray

Card One:

The Three of Swords carries a message reminding us to not rush the healing process. Swords rule our mental state and communication, and also represent challenges to overcome. This is a card of grief, disappointment, jealousy, heartache, and stress. It does not bring harm to you, but acknowledges that you have some wounds to heal.If you were drawn to this card, you likely have a lot to process. It is a good time for reflecting on how you may be pushing aside your feelings and it encourages you to advocate for them and direct your energy towards consciously healing. Whether the heartache is recent or old, there is a need for mindfully tending to your mental wellbeing.

Do: Journal, express yourself through art, talk through things with a trusted person.

Don’t: People please, over compromise, invest your mental energy before you have replenished it, get involved in conflicts.

Illustration by Liam Bray

Card Two:

The World card is about a successful completion of a chapter, endings and beginnings, fate, and now being where you are meant to be. For this reading, it is in the reversed position which indicates a need to reflect on where one is at in life and what changes may need to be embraced in order to guide things to their natural conclusion. This card cautions against taking short cuts and encourages the entire journey to be experienced for the gift that it is. The destination matters, but not nearly as much as how one gets there.When this card appears as a reversal, you may not be in alignment with what is actually beneficial to you. This can mean that a change in work, personal life, or even personal values is necessary. Examine what it is that you need to potentially let go of and what call to action you may be missing. Trust the signs you have been seeing and let the journey guide you.

Do: Reflect on what doesn’t feel right, act according to your true values, create a list of keywords that represent you and where you need to be, be flexible.

Don’t: Get frustrated with yourself, take shortcuts, stay in a situation that isn’t working because it is familiar, do things you know aren’t right, compromise on who you are, ignore your intuition, get caught up with where you “should” be in life.

Illustration by Liam Bray

Card Three:

Two of Cups is about connections, relationships, emotional harmony, love, affection, and partnerships. While it can be a romance card, it can represent many different connections of the heart. When this card comes around, it can be a great invitation to experience joy and love on a deeper level. Connection and harmony are huge themes with this card, especially any sort of connection coming from your emotional side.Those who get this card as their homework message for the month may be isolating themselves a bit too much emotionally. This card is also a good reminder that relationships of all kinds require tending to, and that it is important not to take them for granted. In addition to this, it is a good idea to remember to be emotionally open and vulnerable with your trusted people. You do not need to be the only caretaker. Receive care as much as you give it and tend to any imbalances. Show gratitude and take the extra opportunities to spend time with loved ones. And most importantly, have fun!

Do: Lean into existing connections, laugh, play, cry, open up, be vulnerable, embrace love in all the forms it comes in, communicate from the heart, small acts that encourage friendship and care in your connections.

Don’t: Be passive aggressive, bottle up your feelings, withhold how you are feeling from loved ones, underestimate your value to others, forget to reach out and tend to your relationships.

Jae Melland is a tarot, rune, and palm reader. You can visit seidrwhispers.com to schedule a reading or see her at her shop, Luna Apothecary on Clearwater in Kennewick.