September 2021: A time to heal

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Everything That Was / Ashleigh A. Rogers

This month's issue of Tumbleweird is dedicated to everyone who suffers with mental health concerns and suicidal ideation. You are not alone.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK

Our cover artist this month is Ashleigh A. Rogers. This piece is part of a series on intergenerational trauma and healing. She says:

Research on the topic of epigenetics and intergenerational trauma has shown that healing happens along familial lines when a bridge is created between spoken and unspoken experiences, allowing for conscious decisions to shift behavioral patterns and coping mechanisms that may have been developed adaptively as a response to traumas. I feel like American cultural patterns tend to value production over connection, and individualism over collectivism.
These themes, paired with our history of colonialism and cultural erasure, have contributed to a loss of community, ancestral identity, generational ties, fractured family units, and a decline in mental health that make those bridges difficult to form. I aim to foster dialogue through my work, which encourages strengthened intergenerational relationships and communication, and creates a sense of empowered awareness.

Thank you to our top sponsors: Steve Lee and &yet! ❤️

We also want to show our love for our $100+ sponsors: Brendan Speer, Sara & Brendan Quinn, and Ted Miller; our $50 sponsor: Randy Slovic; and our $30+ sponsors: Calbom & Schwab, Henry & Cris, Lucky Flowers, and Jeff Kissel.