Drag FAQ

What is drag?
Drag is a form of entertainment with performers dressing and acting as another gender, often in an exaggerated way. Performances may include singing, dancing, lip-syncing, or comedy.

How long has drag been around?
Drag has been around for hundreds of years. In Shakespeare’s time, female roles were performed by men since only men were allowed to perform. In the U.S, vaudeville of a century ago often included both male and female drag performances. Today, drag can be found in movies, on Broadway, in bars and nightclubs, and at local community events across the country.

Are drag performers gay or transgender?
Although many performers may identify as LGBTQ+, drag is a performance art that can be performed by any gender identity or sexual orientation.

Is drag sexual or adult-themed?
That’s like asking if movies are sexual or adult-themed. Just like any performance art, drag can be targeted to adult audiences. Just as some comedy acts are strictly adult oriented while other comedy is family-friendly and meant for children, drag performances are just as varied. There is nothing inherently sexual or obscene in drag. Think of Bugs Bunny, Tootsie, or Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye in White Christmas.

Is drag a form of ‘grooming’?
No. ‘Grooming’ in a sexual sense is the technique child molesters use to entrap their victims. The perpetrators are most often known and trusted by the victim. See https://www.rainn.org/news/grooming-know-warning-signs for more info. Similarly, seeing someone in drag cannot change anyone’s gender identity or sexual orientation. Claiming drag performances can ‘turn’ someone gay or transgender is not supported by any evidence.

Explainer: Drag queens and how they got pulled into politics