Conservation Districts
If you spend any time on MapQuest or Google Earth studying our regional lands, you’re sure to notice we have some big differences from one side of the river to the other. Benton County has the Yakima Fold Belt hills, from Little Badger to Rattlesnake Mountain. Franklin County has the Columbia Basin Project, its resulting multitude of crop circles, and a view of Rattlesnake Ridge. Benton County has the Hanford reservation. Franklin County has dunes, a wetlands wildlife preserve, and Sacagawea State Park. We live at the site of major confluence: the Yakima River snakes into the Columbia from the west; the Snake River joins from the northeast.
One of our strongest partnerships in preserving, conserving, and restoring the natural beauty and richness of this place is our conservation districts. Benton & Franklin Conservation Districts offer year-round opportunities to cultivate appreciation through field experiences and activities, from Native Plant Seed Collection and Water Stargrass Harvesting to Habitat Restoration and Youth Education Programs. Your curiosity will be met with welcoming and expertise. And we love to see others who are passionate about preserving our beautiful landscape and helping spread education to the public.
If you’d like to get on our volunteer list, fill out this volunteer form so we can reach out with our volunteer opportunities as they come up!
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