Citizens Advisory Network takes a stand against Initiative 2117

YouTube: Ben Franklin Transit

CAN recommends the BFT Board advocates for the same.

The Citizens Advisory Network (CAN) for the Ben Franklin Transit Board is a volunteer committee made up of community members representing riders in the district. (Full disclosure, I am the Vice Chair of CAN). 

The Ben Franklin Transit website says that members of CAN “represent a broad spectrum of local citizens who believe efficient public transit is a core requirement for continued community growth.” Its members represent all manner of riders, including advocates in the disability community, vision impaired riders, youth riders, Hispanic riders, seniors, and immigrant communities. 

At the last Ben Franklin Transit Board (BFT) meeting on September 5th, CAN made a recommendation that the BFT Board make a proclamation to voters against Initiative 2117. They unanimously voted to submit the recommendation which read in part:


Washington Initiative 2117 to Repeal the Climate Commitment Act is on the November ballot, and if passed will cause Ben Franklin Transit to lose approximately $5.4 million per year in funding.
Ben Franklin Transit had more than one million Youth Rides in 2023. In recent BFT Board Meetings, it has been discussed by Directors and in Public Comment that the Kids Ride Free Program provides vital transportation services to school age youth, especially to after hour activities.
The Citizen Advisory Network has previously brought to the Board attention that $70 million over the next 13 years would be lost as revenue to Ben Franklin Transit and the local community if the Move Ahead Washington funds are not available.
One of the Mandatory Requirements for BFT to receive the Move Ahead Washington funds is that all riders 18 years and younger ride free. Another mandatory requirement is that the Transportation Sales Tax cannot be reduced from the current 6/10 of 1 percent. Another requirement is that Initiative 2117 not pass.
In order to meet the first two requirements, the BFT Board wisely voted unanimously in April 2024 to table until 2026 a BFT Resolution to reduce 6/10 of 1 percent Transit Sales Tax. Now the funding of the Kids Ride Free Program is threatened to be lost if WA Initiative 2117 is passed.
This lost revenue to BFT likely will need to be made up either by increasing fares, reducing services, or both. In addition to reducing service coverage, it may be necessary for the BFT Board to eliminate the existing Kids Ride Free Program, and Seniors Ride Free, and Veterans Ride Free and Reduced Fare rates to disadvantaged riders. The Citizen Advisory Network believes that these services need to continue to be provided by BFT.
Additionally, if Initiative 2117 is passed, the BFT Board may need to reconsider the previously announced Fare Reductions and introduce higher fares than currently in place. These reduced services, increased fares, and loss of free and reduced fares will significantly affect those people using BFT Services via the anticipated 3.7 million Rider Boardings in 2024.


Therefore, the Citizen Advisory Network, in our advisory capacity to the BFT Board as a voice for the Riders and Public, recommend to the Board and the Directors that they take a stance as advocates for Public Transportation, stating publicly that they urge voters to vote NO on Washington Initiative 2117.

According to CAN secretary Dennis Kreutz, “The CAN decided to present to the BFT Directors a recommendation that outlined the possible ramifications of Initiative 2117 passing…. In the recommendation, the CAN asked that the Board and each Director take a  public stance to encourage a NO vote on Initiative 2117.”

The BFT Board has 10 business days to respond to the recommendations. During the meeting, Board member (and Franklin County Commissioner) Clint Didier made the following observation of the efficiency of the BFT service that his family recently experienced during the fair. Didier explained that both of his brothers attended the fair — one drove there and one took the bus. Both brothers left the fair at the same time and the one that took the bus arrived home a full hour and a half before the one that drove. Dider was amazed that buses improved travel time and eliminated traffic congestion. 

To increase ridership, eliminate traffic congestion, and lessen impacts of pollution and negative health outcomes, CAN advocates for fully funding public transportation for our community and urges local voters to join us in voting NO on I-2117

A lifelong resident of Eastern Washington, Dori enjoys the outdoors, her family, and making good trouble. She has worked for many years in broadcasting and reporting and believes in the value of the 4th estate. She is a true community advocate that loves Washington.