Attention Hanford history buffs!
‘Day's Pay’ Boeing B-17 bomber and crew / Courtesy American Air Museum in Britain (UPL 16159)
Republishing Charles McCarter’s book Day’s Pay: The B-17 Hanford Workers Bought During World War II
‘Day’s Pay’ is the name of the B-17 Bomber that Hanford workers bought during the second World War. In 1944, every employee at the Hanford Engineer Works decided to support the war effort by donating their pay for one day's work to purchase it.
Xenophile Bibliopole & Armorer, Chronopolis has obtained permission to reissue the book Day’s Pay by Charles McCarter, which was published in 1992 as a very limited edition. This book has been unavailable in the used market for about 10 to 20 years. As part of the republishing of this book, we are seeking additional information and input on the ‘Day’s Pay’ fundraising program in order to provide improved documentation of this activity at the Hanford Engineering Works. We are also looking for more information about the activities and history of this bomber and its crew, and I would like to add some additional photographs in appendices to this republished book. If you have any information or other input you could provide for this project, it would be greatly appreciated.
We currently maintain a small museum of Manhattan Project and other local history at the Xenophile Bibliopole & Armorer, Chronopolis bookstore which supports Manhattan Project National Park activities. We provide space at the bookstore for the B Reactor Museum Association to sell their B Reactor’s souvenirs.
We can be reached at:
Xenophile Bibliopole & Armorer, Chronopolis2240 Robertson Dr.Richland, WA 99354
509-375-7505 or 509-781-2141